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Winter Driving Hazards And Cautions

Even though you might be a very good driver, but the unpredictable weather conditions during the winter months can have a toll on your driving skills. You might be exposed to too much snow and rain making it extremely challenging and difficult for you to drive smoothly. Hence, there are certain tips on driving and car care that must be maintained to avoid winter driving hazards.

Winter Driving Hazards And Cautions

Slippery surfaces

During the winter, due to snow, the traction of the car tires get reduced on the road surfaces, especially hazardous at the intersection points and hilly roads. Due to the slippery surfaces, the traffic slows down. You need to watch out and beware of the black ice. It is recommended to slow down and execute the brake gently and smoothly.

Unpredictable weather conditions

Unexpected weather is very common during the winter months. In order to protect yourself, it is suggested to stay tuned to the news on the radio regarding the weather reports. This will help you to stay cautious of any hazards like the snow, rain, fog, and ice, and even have knowledge regarding the traffic diversions.

Keep gadgets handy

Do you know having the right technology in your car can save your life? When your car is equipped with a GPS, you don’t get lost, and in case you get stuck, you will be helped to come out of it. Make sure you always carry your phone’s charger so that you can stay in contact with others. Flashlights and emergency radios are also excellent add-ons and act as lifesavers in emergency situations.

The low possibility to see and to be seen

Before you venture out on the road, it is recommended to clean the whole windshield, the windows and the roof of your car. Furthermore, the headlights must also be wiped clean, so that when you turn on the signals, others on the road can see you, especially during a heavy storm or fog. Windshield washer needs to be often used due to the road splatter. Make sure that the right washer fluid, apt for the winter is used, so that the windshield doesn’t get frozen.

Keeping the interior of the car warm

Suppose you are stuck in your vehicle for a prolonged period of time due to bad weather conditions or blocked roadways. You need to keep yourself warm, but you cannot switch off the heater of your car. What to do in such a situation? Lighting a candle can keep the interior of your car warm and pleasant. Hence, carry few candles along with you while you are on a long road trip during the winters.

The above mentioned are some of the winter driving hazard tips and cautions that must be maintained. These are also backed by Roberts Honda! They want you to stay safe while driving this winter.

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