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What You Need To Know About Testosterone Replacement Therapy Treatments

Testosterone replacement therapy is a treatment for hypogonadism and other medical conditions.

There are many benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, such as helping bodily systems to maintain their normal functions.

In some cases, it can help enhance the effects of muscle growth and battle prostate cancer.

Depending on how the testosterone is administered, there are various kinds of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Each type is appropriate for different people and situations.

Testosterone replacement therapy is often prescribed to men who have low levels of the hormone due to hypogonadism.

Symptoms of low testosterone in men include:

  • Decreased sexual desire and performance
  • Loss of body hair
  • Low sperm count
  • Depression
  • Erectile dysfunction and reduced muscle mass

Other factors can cause these symptoms, so it’s important to get a proper diagnosis before beginning testosterone replacement therapy.

What You Need To Know About Testosterone Replacement Therapy Treatments

If you’re diagnosed with low testosterone, your doctor may suggest one of several types of treatment.

Their decision will likely be based on your symptoms, your levels of testosterone, and your preference. Here are the main types of testosterone replacement therapy:


Patches are applied nightly and must be changed daily. They can be worn on the back, abdomen, upper arm, or thigh using medical adhesive.

The patch system uses small doses of testosterone that are absorbed through the skin and then enter the bloodstream. These patches are available in two forms: scrotal and non-scrotal.

A scrotal patch is placed on the scrotum, where it absorbs testosterone through the skin into the bloodstream. Scrotal patches are applied once every 24 hours.

Non-scrotal patches are placed on an area without hair on your back, abdomen, upper arms, or thighs. They usually need to be applied once every 48 hours.


Gels are applied daily at the same time each morning to clean dry skin.

They must not be applied to the genitals or other parts of the body where they might come into contact with kids or pets.

Hands must also be washed after application to prevent accidental gel transfer to children or pets.

Gels are absorbed through the skin, but they aren’t quite as effective as injections because not all of the medication is absorbed.

This can cause blood levels of testosterone to fluctuate more dramatically than with injections, but it might be an option if you don’t want to get injected regularly.


Both Depo-Testosterone and testosterone enanthate can be administered intramuscularly or topically.

Intramuscular injections go directly into the muscle, while topical injections are rubbed onto the skin and absorbed by the body.

These are both long-term options. Once you’ve injected the drug, it remains in your system for two weeks.

You’ll have to repeat this process every two weeks, which will require regular trips to a doctor’s office or clinic. There are many benefits of testosterone replacement therapy that you’ll revel in after some months.

Gum and Cheek (Buccal Cavity)

The buccal system is a method of administering medications into the mouth for systemic absorption. The testosterone medication is placed between the gum and cheek.

The gum tissue absorbs the medication, which gets into the bloodstream.

This method produces quick results but typically provides a short-term dose.

Additionally, this approach works well for some people but not others, as individual body chemistry can affect how much of the medication is absorbed from the tablets.


Natasto is a testosterone gel that may be injected into the nostrils.

Using this method, the possibility of skin-to-skin transmission of drugs is greatly diminished.

The gel is applied with an individual applicator allowing you to apply the drug directly into your nose without touching it with your hands.


Pellet implants are about the size of a grain of rice and are inserted under the skin usually every three to six months, depending on the type used.

The implants slowly release testosterone over time into the bloodstream, providing stable levels.

This method avoids fluctuations in testosterone levels that may occur with other forms of testosterone.

How Long Does It Take for Testosterone Therapy to Take Effect?

Replacement therapy can take time. Injections may lead to results in just a few weeks.

Other forms may take longer. It depends on your body’s response to treatment and whether you have other health problems that could affect your testosterone levels.

Your doctor will monitor your progress and make any adjustments as needed.

Bottom Line

There are many benefits of testosterone replacement therapy. It’s more than just a way to boost libido and build muscle.

However, figuring out which type of treatment is the best for your needs isn’t always easy.

Do your research, talk to a doctor, and consider your options. Testosterone replacement therapy can be a lifesaver when administered by someone who knows what they are doing.

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