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What They Never Tell You About Plant-Based Meat

What They Never Tell You About Plant-Based Meat

Did you know that consumers of plant-based meat in the United States purchased around 157 units of the product within the last year? These statistics are an indication that the industry is growing rapidly.

According to the experts, the current growth will be the trend even in the coming years. GPI predictions argue that by 2025, plant-based meats will hit $6.5 billion. That said, there is a stiff competition between the animal-based meat products and the plant-based meat. It would not be a surprise if the latter overtakes the other one.

The plant-based meat is stealing the scene with its taste, accessibility, and price. Also, it’s delicious hence easily available in grocery stores or restaurants.

How Can Animal Meat Be Created In Plants?

Plant-based meat is a contradictory term. At the moment you may find it hard to figure out how meat from the animals will be used by plants to create the plant-based meat. Let’s see how it works.

Plant-based meat is food from fungus or plant. It is created through 4 basic technology areas which include;

  • Analysis of crop and Optimization
  • Sourcing of raw material and Optimization 
  • Composition process and optimization
  • Distribution

Crops are the key raw materials for creating plant-based meat. (Also, livestock uses crops as raw materials to create their muscles but the animal is left out in plant-based meat process.) 

Most of the plant-based meat available in the market is created from Wheat and soy. They are the most available ingredients. However, the product can be created using other plants provided they are of the best taste and flavor. The best plant-based meat proteins should be 100% sourced from a plant. 

How Healthy Is The Plant-Based Meat?

Today, healthy experts encourage the use of plant-based products.  People are advised to consume more legumes, vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. So, there has been a high demand for plant-based alternatives. As a result, several companies have been set up to create plant-based options for such things as dairy, eggs, and meat. Plant-based meat is among the common plant-related groceries available in the market.

Plant-based meat has similar juiciness, favor, and sizzle with the beef. It is considered to be safer than meat. Plant-based products reduce the risk of developing health complications. You won`t be prone to such diseases as heart diseases, obesity, and high cholesterol levels. Other in the list is Type 2 diabetes, stroke and so on.

What Is The Relationship Between Plant-Based Meat and The Environment

Switching to plant-based meat is a way of preserving the environment. This is because keeping livestock for meat requires several acres of land. Also, water, food, and energy. They feed on greens hence destroying the vegetation. People even start greenhouses that emit gases that are poisonous to the environment.  

Also, livestock consumes lots of water to build their muscles. Creating plant-based meat does not need all the gallons of water consumed by the livestock. Also, livestock runoff from livestock grazing has a hard in lakes and river pollution. Furthermore, some fishing methods used for instance long-lining and bottom trawling destroy coral reefs and kill other sea creatures. So, plant-based meat is considered as an alternative to preserving the environment.

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