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What Percent Of SSDI Claims Are Approved At Reconsideration?

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program that provides financial support to individuals who can’t work due to a disability.

Unfortunately, the procedure of getting approved for SSDI can be long and complicated, and many initial claims are denied.

However, if your claim is denied, you can appeal the decision through the reconsideration process.

In this blog, we will explore the approved statistics of SSDI claims at reconsideration and how a social security attorney in Sacramento can help you with your claim.

What Is Reconsideration Process?

The reconsideration process is the first level of appeal for denied SSDI claims.

When filing for reconsideration, your case will be reviewed by a different claims examiner than the one who reviewed your initial claim.

What Percent Of SSDI Claims Are Approved At Reconsideration?

The examiner will consider all of the evidence that was submitted with your initial claim, as well as any new evidence that you provide.

After reviewing your case, the examiner will make a new decision on your claim.

What Percent Of SSDI Claims Are Approved At Reconsideration?

Unfortunately, the approval rate for SSDI claims at the reconsideration level is relatively low.

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), the national average approval rate for reconsideration appeals in 2020 was only 11.7%, implying that the vast majority of claims denied at the initial level are also denied at the reconsideration level.

However, it is vital to note that approval rates can vary depending on the state where you live.

In California, for example, the approval rate for reconsideration appeals in 2020 was slightly higher than the national average, at 13.8%.

While this is still a relatively low approval rate, it does offer some hope for individuals who are appealing a denied claim.

How Can A Social Security Attorney In Sacramento Help You With Your Claim?

If your SSDI claim has been denied and you’re considering appealing the decision, it is highly recommended you seek the assistance of a qualified disability attorney in Sacramento.

An attorney specializing in SSDI and SSI cases can help you navigate the complex appeals process and improve your chances of getting approved.

Here are some ways that an attorney can help you with your claim:

● Review Your Case:

A social security attorney can review your case and help you determine whether you have a strong basis for appeal. They can also help you identify any potential issues with your claim and advise you on how to address them.

● Gather Additional Evidence:

If your initial claim was denied due to a lack of medical evidence, a social security attorney could help you gather additional evidence to support your claim.

It may include obtaining medical records, test results, and statements from healthcare providers.

● Prepare Your Appeal:

A social security attorney can help you prepare a strong appeal that addresses all the issues that led to your initial denial.

They can also ensure that all required paperwork is completed accurately and submitted on time.

● Represent You At The Hearing:

If your case proceeds to a hearing, a social security attorney can represent you before the administrative law judge. They can present evidence and arguments on your behalf and cross-examine witnesses who testify against you.

● Negotiate A Settlement:

In some cases, a social security attorney may be able to negotiate a settlement with the SSA that results in a favorable outcome for you. It may involve agreeing to a reduced benefit amount or partial approval of your claim.

Wrapping Up

While the approval rate for SSDI claims at the reconsideration level is relatively low, it’s still worth pursuing an appeal if you believe you have a strong case.

By working with a qualified SSI attorney in Sacramento, you can improve your chances of getting approved and receiving the benefits that you need.

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