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What Is Quantum Energy, And How Does It Work For Healing?

Quantum energy, also known as energy medicine, is the energy that comes from quantum mechanics.

It’s not just a concept; it’s an actual physical phenomenon that exists all around you and can be harnessed by anyone willing to explore healing.

Quantum Energy healing has been studied and practiced since the ’70s but has only recently been more widely accepted and understood.

Though skeptical scientists balk at the idea of anything existing beyond what they can see, feel, or touch with their five senses, known as “classical physics,” they have yet to explain why quantum energy practitioners have succeeded in their work.

The goal of this article will be to inform you about what quantum energy is and how it works for healing.

What Is Quantum Energy, And How Does It Work For Healing?

How Does Quantum Energy Work For Healing?

The body’s physical and energetic processes rely on signals or messages sent from the brain – the seat of consciousness.

These messages are sent via quantum energy through a person’s nervous system and then converted into bio-energy by the endocrine system.

So in a sense, quantum healing works reverse from how most medicine works to achieve a healing effect.

Bio-energy is a form of energy that can be measured. It flows through and around the human body in systems of channels called meridians.

Through manipulating these channels, bio-energy can be moved in specific ways to produce specific results. Energy healing works by directing bio-energy to the places in the body where it needs to go.

This allows consciousness and the human mind to direct bio-energy flow and movement.

The key element in quantum energy healing is intent.

This is why practitioners are generally taught to clear their minds and focus on what they want the bio-energy to do for the patient.

They use three common methods of directing energy flow:

  • Acupuncture
  •  Acupressure
  • Chakra

Acupuncture involves using needles to stimulate the points on the body where meridians cross.

Acupuncture needles release this energy to be used for various health benefits, such as relieving pain or alleviating anxiety or depression.

Acupressure works by applying pressure to certain points on a person’s body. It’s similar to acupuncture in that it uses pressure and stimulates certain body points to release bio-energy and achieve a healing effect.

Chakra is a conceptually different technique from acupuncture and acupressure. It’s a way of using sound to energize the chakras or the energy centers within the body.

The chakra system comprises seven subtle energy systems that spin around inside a person’s body.

These energy centers must be activated and balanced to function properly, so practitioners incorporate sounds and chanting into their healing sessions to help bring out these energy centers.

These techniques work on the bio-energy levels of the body. Since bio-energy systems run parallel to each other, healing these energy systems will also help re-balance the other energy centers in an individual’s body.

How Is The Healing Effect Achieved?

You can be advised to wear a quantum energy capsule, energy jewelry, or to place a charged quantum energy ball under your pillow.

Their charges are neutral, meaning they can be used on and will not harm anyone.

Under medical instruction, a practitioner is taught to visualize bio-energy in a certain way using color and then directing it along a particular pathway.

How Is Bio-energy Visualized?

  • Blue energy can balance blood pressure and high blood pressure levels. It’s connected with veins and capillaries, so when it moves through these channels, it helps keep them healthy.
  • Dark blue or indigo energy is used for sleep disorders, epilepsy, and other similar problems.
  • Deep green energy is used to detoxify the body and is involved with the circulatory system.

Practitioners generally journal their healing sessions and ask about the patient’s improvements before moving to another point in their body.

They also record how many sessions they’ve had to date to track progress and learn more about how this energy works for healing.

The key is to believe that you are creating something from nothing using your consciousness and the human mind.


Quantum energy healing is a powerful and effective tool for helping people achieve a healthier, long-lasting life.

To learn about how to harness this energy for yourself, consult with an experienced practitioner.

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