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Ways on How to Alleviate Back Pain

Back pain can present a big challenge to you if you are the kind of person who is usually busy and traveling all the time. It could mean halting some of your activities, so if you would not want to live with this discomfort, the most logical thing to do would be to find a way to alleviate back pain. The problem is triggered by a number of things including weight lifting, strenuous activities like gardening and sickness.

Alleviate Back Pain

If you are suffering from back pain, these ideas could help you resume normal living.

A good night’s sleep

People with chronic pain face sleep disturbances, which could be made worse by failure to get enough sleep. You need quality sleep to prevent the risk of further inflammation and pain, so investing in the best mattress topper for back pain is an idea you must implement for your bedroom. Also get the right mattress and while sleeping experiment with different positions to find out which gives you maximum comfort that you want to achieve. If you are a side sleeper, it’s recommended you put a pillow between your knees.

Gentle exercise

Although resting is important, too much rest could worsen some types of back pain as it decreases muscle strength. You need to strengthen your muscles through workout and activities that encourage stretching. Begin with simple stretches and increase difficulty gradually until the body adapts. Remember to discuss your fitness needs with your doctor as this will help you to understand what you can do and exercises you should avoid.


A 2013 study submitted to the Clinical Journal of Pain showed that there exists strong evidence proving that yoga helps to reduce chronic back pain. Yoga loosens tight muscles that lead to pain and helps in building strength and range of motion. It also improves breathing. The practice focuses on relaxation and this ensures your muscles remain relaxed to reduce pain perception. In this case, you should try yoga that does not require difficult poses that might not be suitable for someone suffering from back pain.


What about short-term relief as you work out a way to deal with the pain with a permanent solution? Painkillers are a sure way to alleviate pain and could help you perform exercises on your back to relax muscles and strengthen them. However, don’t take drugs until you have seen your doctor to find out which type of painkillers would be best suited to help you in your condition.

Whirlpools and aquatic therapy

Different physical therapists will encourage you to go for aquatic therapy, which includes exercises in therapeutic pools and warm water. The buoyancy of water will help to alleviate the strain holding your joints and could encourage the strengthening of muscles. When you float in water, you help to relax muscles and this in effect releases tension while increasing circulation. If you have a home whirlpool bath, aim at the joints and sore spots to get a soothing massage.

Pain is something that affects millions of people around the world. Back pain is one of the challenges many people are facing and the good news is that you could relieve the pain by embracing one or more of the treatment measures recommended here. Get a gentle whirlpool massage and also take part in a moderate workout that will help your muscles to relax and also become stronger.

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Wednesday 11th of July 2018

Great tips for back pain relief. Most people suffer from back pain due to the wrong sitting and sleeping posture, carrying heavy weights, irregular exercise etc. Using a good mattress, proper sitting, avoid slouching & hunching, regular exercise etc are helpful for back pain relief.

Thank you very much.

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