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6 Unhealthy Eating Habits That Are Wrecking Your Body

When you’re trying to stay healthy, sometimes even small habits can hinder your progress. Your food choices play an important role in defining the state of your body.

The good thing is you can learn what’s bad for your body and undo the damage.

6 Unhealthy Eating Habits That Are Wrecking Your Body

Get to know how you can break the seemingly endless cycle of these unhealthy eating habits and lead a healthier lifestyle.

1. Skipping Breakfast

It’s a common mistake to skip breakfast just to reduce your calorie intake. Having a nutritious meal in the morning helps you efficiently kickstart your day.

Research has shown that people who eat breakfast have an easier time shedding those extra pounds.

Not eating in the morning could bring about a whole bunch of health issues such as migraines, slower metabolism and even hair loss.

Find eating in the morning nauseous? Or just don’t have the time for it? Start easy by eating some fruit, yogurt, or having a smoothie.

2. Eating Too Quickly

Hasty eating can put you at a huge disadvantage when it comes to your health. Your brain releases signals of fullness when you consciously chew your food.

So, if you’re a swift eater, you may end up consuming more food than your body requires.

Research has also shown that eating quickly can result in fluctuating levels of blood sugar. This can put you at an increased risk for Type 2 Diabetes.

Chew your food properly and eat slowly. You can also drink water in between meals to feel fuller. Doing this will enhance your digestion and keep the excess weight at bay.  

3. Consuming Processed Food

Everyone knows that junk food is bad, but not much is said about the disguised evilness of processed foods. Chemically processed foods generally have high sugar content, artificial ingredients, refined carbs and trans-fat.

Consumption of these ultra-processed foods can be extremely detrimental because people are generally unaware of what goes into these foods.

This can lead to exceeding levels of calorie consumption.

Try switching out processed foods with organic whole foods. This is a healthier alternative that will make it easier for you to track what you eat.

4. Indulging in Carbonated Drinks

One might think it’s just sugar and water- how bad can it be? Turns out, pretty bad.

Soda and other carbonated drinks have large quantities of fructose, a simple sugar that prevents your stomach from feeling full.

Due to this, you may end up consuming a lot of calories without even realizing it.

Not only do sodas lead to weight gain, but frequent consumption of such drinks can inevitably stain the enamel of your teeth in the long run. 

Fortunately, your teeth stains can easily be reversed by using teeth whitening. But let us inform you about one of the lesser known teeth whitening facts, teeth whitening solutions are not permanent.

So always pick a teeth whitening method you can regularly use. Home teeth whitening kits are perfect for regular teeth whitening sessions.

Consider a reliable brand like Smile Brilliant. Smile Brilliant’s custom-fitted teeth whitening trays are perfect for removing mild to severe stains without damaging your teeth.

5. Not Practicing Portion Control

This is an area where even health connoisseurs fall short. 

While it’s applaudable that you have started eating a healthy diet, likely, you might not be measuring out your portion sizes.

6 Unhealthy Eating Habits That Are Wrecking Your Body

Distorted portion sizes can be very dangerous over a long period since they can make your brain override the sensation of feeling full. This could potentially lead to obesity and other chronic diseases.

Begin with measuring out the amount you eat and check the number of calories present in your food. Consume foods with high fiber and protein as they make you feel full.

6. Midnight Snacking

We’re all guilty of having a little snack at night. Unfortunately, eating past your bedtime regularly can lead to health issues such as weight gain and acid reflux.

The lack of activity during the night makes it highly likely for such calories to be stored as fat.

Midnight cravings can result from inherent diet issues such as low fiber and protein intake or extreme calorie restriction.

Therefore, it’s important to eat the right kind and right amount of food during the day.

Control your cravings by brushing your teeth after dinner. Try and wait out your craving. If it doesn’t subside, eat some low-calorie complex carbohydrates like cereal or almonds.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, you can’t expect to see results overnight.

0But if you recognize and avoid these unhealthy eating habits, your body will thank you.

Applying these alternatives will have a positive effect on your diet. In due course, you’ll see a welcome visible change in your body.

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