It’s clear that some Gen Zers weren’t prepared for the realities of adulthood. Now that they’re in the workforce, their entitled attitude is showing and turning older generations off. When they don’t get what they believe they’re owed, they whine and complain like children. This predictable pattern is getting old for everyone around them, so it’s time for them to toughen up and face the facts. Here are 7 realities of adulthood you need to accept if you’re a disillusioned Gen Zer.
1. You Need Advanced Skills to Get a High-Paying Job

One of the most frustrating things about Gen Z is that they don’t understand how the job market works. They expect a high-paying job offer to be delivered to them on a silver platter as soon as they get their college diploma. However, high-paying jobs require advanced skills. Workers fresh out of college don’t have enough experience to demand six figures. Gen Z needs to pay their dues and upskill in order to earn the high incomes they already think they deserve.
2. You’re Going to Need Roommates

Living with roommates is one of the realities of adulthood Gen Z has trouble grasping. They don’t believe their elders when we say we had to live with several roommates for years after college. Many of us never lived on our own and could only afford our own place when we moved in with a partner. The cost of a one-bedroom apartment has been hard for single-income households to afford for decades. No one is owed a private living space just because they show up to work every day. But many Gen Zers believe they’re entitled to their own apartment or house.
3. Everyone Has Student Loans

Student debt is just one of the realities of adulthood. Many Millennials and Gen Xers are still paying off loans from their bachelor’s or master’s degrees. Gen Z expects the government to wave a magic wand and forgive student loan debt. But many older adults who scrimped and saved to pay off their loans feel it’s unfair for Gen Z to get a free ride. Gen Z needs to accept their situation and live on a tight budget to pay off their debt just like everyone else.
4. Travel Is a Privilege

Many middle-class Gen Zers believe that they’re owed an annual vacation. They view it as part of the American dream that Boomers got to experience. However, Gen Z forgets that road trips used to be the main form of travel. Boomers didn’t expect to fly to Italy every summer—they were happy just to camp at a national park.
Gen Z’s travel expectations have inflated higher than their incomes because they forget that vacations are a privilege. Many Americans don’t get to enjoy expensive international trips until they reach retirement age. It’s unrealistic for Gen Z to expect the same experiences on entry-level salaries.
5. Adulthood Isn’t Supposed to Be Aesthetic

According to House Beautiful, many Gen Zers are obsessed with the idea of aesthetic adulthood. They love Le Creuset cookware and other bougie homeware brands. They believe that everything in their home should be organized and beautiful. They’re even “fridgescaping” the insides of their refrigerators with candles and lamps to make them look more pleasing.
All of this frivolity costs cash that Gen Z probably shouldn’t be spending. One of the realities of adulthood they need to accept is that every aspect of life isn’t supposed to be aesthetic and curated for social media likes. If they continue down this path, they’ll likely end up broke and in debt.
6. Adulthood Isn’t Always Fun

Adulting isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Actually, most of the time, it’s pretty boring and stressful. Working a 9-to-5 and coming home too exhausted and broke to do anything is the norm for most SINK adults. The influencer lifestyles Gen Z sees on Instagram and TikTok aren’t realistic. However, it’s not all doom and gloom. There are bright spots in adulthood, such as the sense of independence and self-sufficiency that you gain from making it on your own.
7. No One Cares About Your Feelings

One of the realities of adulthood that Gen Z needs to accept stat is that no one cares about their feelings. Expecting strangers on the internet to apologize for offending them is ridiculous. Gen Z needs to realize that the world doesn’t revolve around them and their emotions. They need to take responsibility for regulating themselves instead of expecting everyone around them to cater to their feelings and whims.
These Realities of Adulthood Are First-World Problems

When you feel down about the realities of adulthood, it’s important to remember that these challenges are first-world problems. There are people in the world who face much worse hardships than living with roommates. Americans are blessed to live in a country with so many economic opportunities. If you aren’t happy with your circumstances, luckily you have the chance to change them.