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Top 3 Tips for Getting over a Farmer

Getting over your crush or your failed relationship with a farmer is hard, no matter how you look at it. Sure, it was a great learning experience. Sure, you’ve met some great people along the way and seen places you otherwise wouldn’t have. You’ve learned to appreciate the country and everything that goes on there. But it still sucks. The mere fact that you have to get up in the morning knowing you’re not going to hear from him breaks your heart. From this standpoint, dating for farmers looks like a walk in the park. They’re handsome, hard-working, dependable, and capable of getting things done – they’re every girl’s dream. This is exactly why getting over a farmer takes lots of time, but you’re going to roll up your sleeves and help your broken heart heal faster by following our top 4 tips.

#1: Intensify Your Workout

First off, if you’re not currently working out, go and join the gym right this minute. Take a group class, do some cardio to get all the stress out of your system, or hire a personal trainer to show you all the ropes. If you’re already a star member, up the ante on the intensity of your workout, and two magical things will happen. Your body will get stronger, which translates to you being able to get through the day easier, eliminating back pain, and boosting your immune system. Your mind will get stronger, which will do wonders for your self-confidence. A healthy body, healthy mind is your first goal on the road to breakup recovery. Remember, you’re not doing this to impress your future boyfriend or your farmer ex the next time you see him. You’re doing this for the most important person in the world at the moment – for yourself.

 #2: Stop Looking In The Mirror

There are a million ways to make yourself feel even worse, and a sure way to wish to shoot yourself in the head is to keep looking in the mirror and finding all the things that are ‘wrong’ with you. This may not be the right time to go out there and ‘live your life’ because you need time to heal, but it certainly isn’t the time to make things even harder on yourself. The more you focus on your physical imperfections, the more you reinforce and magnify those ‘flaws’, which other people may not even notice about you by the way. You’re obviously going to look in the mirror with a critical eye, and now is not the time to focus on the things you don’t like about yourself. What you focus on expands, which is why you need to shift your attention towards the things that make you feel better, not worse, and in a few months’ time, your painful breakup with a farmer will be history.

#3: Take a Trip

Travel expands the mind and enriches the soul. It teaches you about new cultures and ways of life and puts things into perspective. Some people would argue that travel is a short-term solution, and as soon as you get back home you’ll go back to feeling blue about your breakup. This may be true, but you’ll also spend a few days or even weeks detoxing and recharging. Plus, you’d buy yourself some time in the healing process. Time heals everything, but that doesn’t mean you should just sit and wait for it to do the job. You can absolutely be proactive and do the things that will take your mind off of your ex and farmer singles you now see as potential threats. Your trip doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg, take you all the way to Asia or last for two months. It can be something as simple as going to Montréal for the weekend.

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