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Tips To Ensure That Back Pain Does Not Keep You Off Mommy Duties

Parenting is challenging because your to-do lists never end, and the physical workload stresses you out.

Back pain is a widely prevalent health issue for moms. New mommies suffer due to post-partum complications and the heavy lifting that follows while raising a toddler.

You may experience it even when kids are grown up because of tiring housework, lack of rest, poor posture, and aging woes.

But you can do your bit to keep back pain at bay and give your best to your mommy goals.

Tips To Ensure That Back Pain Does Not Keep You Off Mommy Duties

Here are some tips to avoid chronic back pain and be an active mom.

Mind your posture

The way you sit, stand, kneel, and lift loads can aggravate back pain and worsen it with time.

But busy moms often overlook their posture and struggle with chronic pain.

The solution is as simple as maintaining a good posture during your daily chores, no matter how busy you are.

Investing in ergonomic furniture is a good option, specifically for working moms who spend long hours at their desks.

Take rest breaks

Another simple tip to ditch back pain is to take frequent rest breaks. It may seem daunting amid your daily duties, but lying down for fifteen minutes every few hours is enough to give rest to your muscles and joints.

You can set alarms if your chores keep you too busy to notice the need for a break.

Also, listen to your body and take a break sooner than later if it needs one.

Seek professional treatment

Ignoring pain can lead to dire consequences, and you may end up going off your duties due to extreme agony.

Professional treatment for back pain is necessary if it does not resolve with rest and over-the-counter painkillers.

An expert physiotherapist can get to the root of the problem and suggest the best resolution. Visit a clinic that offers physiotherapy, chiropractic care, and other therapies to clear the underlying inflammation and ensure long-term relief.

Strengthen your core

You must prioritize a workout routine to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, even if you are a busy mom. A strong core is good for balance and posture.

It also reduces the risk of injuries. But you may have some qualms about exercising in pain.

Pilates is a safe option. You can try yoga and tai-chi, but do it under expert supervision and with your doctor’s advice.

Tips To Ensure That Back Pain Does Not Keep You Off Mommy Duties

Manage your weight

Most back pain cases happen because of weight issues, so you must embrace a healthy lifestyle to manage your weight.

Weight loss may seem like a daunting challenge for a busy mommy, but eating healthy and creating a calorie deficit is the key.

Focus on hydration and follow a regular workout schedule with low-impact exercises.

Good looks and confidence come as the bonus points of your weight management initiative.

Back pain can get you off track as a mom because it hinders movement and agility. You must look for a long-term solution instead of relying on painkillers.

Follow these tips to address it effectively and safely.

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