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Tips To Brighten Up A Dark Room

Dark rooms can feel a little dreary and if you don’t have the budget to make structural changes like adding windows or doors, you can start to feel limited in what you can do to brighten up the space.

Tips To Brighten Up A Dark Room

But fear not, in this short post, we will discuss some tips that you can implement to instantly make the room feel brighter and more appealing, tuning your dark room into a place that you will want to spend more time in. 

White Radiators

If, like me, you’re unlucky enough to have a particularly small bathroom that doesn’t get a huge amount of light, you are going to want to know how to brighten up the space whilst making the most of the room you have.

One tip I have found perfect for opening up the space was replacing my old radiator with a new white towel rail.

By flipping the direction of the radiator, it instantly created the illusion of more wall space.

There are of course other colours you can choose from, but I feel that the white made the room feel fresher and brighter at the same time.

You can check out the options available here: 

Add Some Greenery

There is no easier way to quickly brighten up a room than adding a touch of greenery.

Adding plants of various shapes and sizes around the room is like a breath of fresh air to a dull room, especially when they are placed against a light, bright wall. 

If you have a room that doesn’t have a great deal of natural light coming in, be sure to choose plants that can thrive in minimal light such as the spider plant and the peace lily. 

Don’t Overdo the Wall Art

It’s very on-trend these days to have wall art of various sizes covering an individual wall, but if your room struggles with lighting, you should make the walls as bare as possible. 

That’s not to say that you can’t have anything on your walls, you still want to show your personality off in your home.

As long as you choose a piece that is lightly toned, you will not have any issues.

Remember, a large decorative mirror is always a great option for opening up any space. 

Be Minimalistic

When your room is dark and possibly limited for space, the last thing you need is clutter.

The more things you have lying around, can make a room messy and often claustrophobic.

So, get organised and put things away that you aren’t using all the time.

Invest in some storage boxes in a light design that will not only help to brighten up the room but will keep your space neat and tidy too. 

Don’t Forget the Floor

Your flooring has the ability to set the whole tone of a room. And whilst dark hardwood can be stunning, it can also be draining in some spaces.

So, if your floor is dark, your space may feel dull and dreary, especially if the room is on the smaller side. 

If your budget doesn’t allow you to replace your flooring, your next best option is to put down a light area rug or give your floorboards a paint in a lighter shade that will give the room an instant lift. 

I hope you found these tips useful. Good luck on your next DIY project!

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