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Tips On How To Pick The Right Procedure: Breast Lift Vs Breast Augmentation

Tips On How To Pick The Right Procedure: Breast Lift Vs Breast Augmentation

Not every woman is lucky enough to be born with the breasts she desires. It’s true that many factors go into the final shape and state that our breasts settle upon, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep living that way. Thanks to medicine, there are various procedures that can be done to improve the shape and volume of our breasts. Even those who’ve lost their perfect shape can regain it by undergoing certain procedures. However, the real question when it comes to improving the appearance of our breasts is what kind of procedure we should get. Most women would assume that getting implants is the only answer, but it’s not. 

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of procedures that are most common and popular when it comes to improving breast size and appearance. The first one is breast augmentation, and the other is breast lifting procedures. So how do you know which one is better for you? It all comes down to the following factors.

     1. Assessing Your Breasts

Your decision should come down to the current state of your breasts. Depending on your needs, you may go for a breast lift, breast augmentation, or even both procedures together. The following 3 points are the main deciding factors in your choice.

     A. Position of Nipples

Medically known as breast ptosis, drooping breasts usually occur when you age, after bearing children, or as a result of adding weight. Losing a lot of weight can also result in sagging breasts, but other factors, such as high caffeine intake and smoking, have been linked to this condition as well. 

A simple pencil test can help you figure out whether you have breast ptosis or not. Place a pencil right below your breast; if it’s held in place, then you have signs of ptosis. If your nipples exceed the position of the pencil, then you have significant ptosis.

     B. Breast Volume

Women have different issues when it comes to their breast volume. Some women barely have any volume in the chest tissue, others have more volume downwards and barely any on the upper side of their breasts. 

     C. Breast Shape

Aside from volume, some women are dissatisfied with the shape of their breasts and the way they look. They may have asymmetrical breasts, or their breasts could be too close or too far away than they’d like them to be. 

     2. Your Desired Goals

Depending on the current state of your breasts, you’ll have certain goals in mind. If your main complaint is drooping breasts that limit your ability to enjoy your life fully, then a breast lift operation will be your best option. After all, breast augmentation doesn’t do anything in lifting your breasts. However, in case you don’t have severe ptosis, you may want to consider a less permanent solution. You may have heard of boob tapes, yes, they are real and they are a great temporary solution to give your boobs a nice lift. If you need a little more convincing than you can read more here about how to use it and see the benefits it brings for yourself. This option gives you a natural and simple alternative that removes the need for any procedures. 

On the other hand, breast lifts won’t give your breasts extra volume or adjust their shape. They’re only great for lifting breasts, which can be a good option if that’s all you’re looking for. If you want to add more volume or adjust their shape, then breast augmentation is what you’re looking for. 

However, it’s not uncommon for women to get both procedures together. If you want to both lift your breasts while adding more volume or adjusting the shape of your breasts, then getting a combined procedure of both operations can give you the best results. 

     3. The Procedure

There are 3 common types of incisions used for a breast lift operation: peri-areolar (around the nipples), a vertical incision (around the nipples and down the breast wall), and an inverted T-incision (around the nipples, down the breast, and across the lower side of the breast). An inverted T-incision allows for a maximum lift. 

There are also three kinds of incision for breast augmentation: inframammary (below the breast fold), trans-axillary (through the armpits), and peri-areolar (around the nipples). However, the difference comes from the type of implants used. Silicone implants, while more expensive, give a more natural feel and can add more volume. On the contrary, saline implants change the feeling of the breasts, but they can be used to add less volume while maintaining the natural feeling.

Tips On How To Pick The Right Procedure: Breast Lift Vs Breast Augmentation

Choosing the right operation to get done on your breasts is crucial to meeting your desired goals. While a breast lift will help get your breasts back to their youthful and perky appearance, a breast augmentation procedure is best when it comes to adding volume and adjusting the shape. After getting counsel and determining your goals, a certified physician can help make your dreams come true.

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