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The Necessary Steps To Take Following A Drunk Driving Crash

Being in a car accident can be terrifying and potentially life-threatening.

Things get exponentially more terrifying and dangerous when a drunk driver is involved because their driving and judgment will be significantly impaired.

There are a few important things that you need to keep in mind in case this happens to you.

Keep reading to find out what you should do if this happens to you. 

The Necessary Steps To Take Following A Drunk Driving Crash

1. Notify Emergency Services

First and foremost, it is important that you call the appropriate emergency services.

It is important that the police are notified in the case of a drunk driving accident so that they can get the drunk driver off of the road.

Getting the police to the crash site also guarantees that the accident will be documented, which is important in the case of filing an insurance claim and pursuing a lawsuit.

If you want to find the latest DUI news there are quite a few places online.

Just remember that if you don’t contact the police, the drunk driver could get away and cause more damage or even death to others on the road.

2. Stay Calm

Once the police have arrived they will want to take a statement of what happened.

This creates a formal record, so it is important that you stay as calm as possible and try to recall as much information about the accident as possible.

Accidents are stressful, so try to take notes or record details of the accident as soon as possible. Do not escalate the situation and exaggerate details of the accident when filing a report.

You will have adrenaline pumping through your body, so you might find that you don’t feel like you are hurt, but never say that you are uninjured.

This could be used against you in legal proceedings. Simply say that you are unsure if you are hurt if you are not in any obvious pain.

3. Collect Information

A police officer will collect details, but it is important that you do too.

Document as much detail as you can.

You’ll need to collect the details of the drunk driver including contact number, insurance information, registration number, photographs of the scene (we actually recommend a walkabout video), and document any injuries that you and your passengers have sustained.

Collect details from any witnesses and take note of surrounding cameras that might have caught the accident on film.

Also, note down the name and officer numbers of the police officers who respond to the accident.

4. Get Medical Attention

After an accident, things seem to happen in both slow motion and at an incredibly sped pace. Seeking medical attention as soon as possible is really important.

Never refuse medical attention.

Certain injuries can take time to present themselves and if not treated early on, can have long-term and seriously detrimental effects on your health and life.

Treating things immediately and ruling out issues is better than having to live with chronic pain because you thought you were fine.

Seeking medical attention immediately also means that you will be more likely to obtain the maximum amount of compensation for injuries and bills as a result of the accident if you choose to take legal action.

5. Hire An Attorney

It is important that you hire an experienced personal injury attorney to handle your case before you contact your insurance company.

Insurance companies have a cheeky way of trying to pay you the absolute minimum possible, whereas a lawyer wants to get you the most.

More for you often means more for them, so it’s mutually beneficial that you are given what you deserve.

To build a really strong case, you will need to get a hold of documents and obtain evidence of any medical costs, lost wages as a result of being unable to work due to the accident, repair costs, and basically proof of any economic damages you have sustained as a result of this drunk driving accident.

It is important that you attend any legal proceedings following a drunk driving accident.

You may be asked to provide evidence and testimony of what took place, especially in the case of more serious charges – if the drunk driver faces something like negligent homicide or manslaughter.

No one wants to be involved in a car accident, especially not when the other driver is under the influence of alcohol.

By following the steps laid out above, things should run pretty smoothly.

We hope that you are never involved in a drunk driving accident, but if you are, now you know what to do.

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