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The Most Creative Ways To Use Epoxy Resin

Do you have an imagination that runs wild? Then the epoxy resin is the product that will make your ideas reach fruition.

Whether it is that dining table you have been thinking of or that cute little night lamp that glows beside your bed, if you have a good collection of epoxy colors, then you can DIY your way with just about anything.

This resin casting tutorial is going to provide you with some of the best ideas for home décor using just epoxy resin.

Browse through these interesting projects, and you are sure to find something that will get your creative juices flowing.

The Most Creative Ways To Use Epoxy Resin

Fascinating DIY ideas for epoxy

1. A Resin Tabletop

People who are into DIY home improvement must start with this one.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on the purchase of new furniture, using epoxy resin to give your old tabletop, a fresh new look is a rather cost-effective way of upgrading the look of your home.

One can use epoxy resin to either give a mild makeover to your table or go full-on extreme.

Either way, you are going to have a great time with the process.

To get started, you will require a tabletop, a base coat, high-quality resin colors that go along with your tabletop, a paintbrush, a heat gun, a short PVC pipe, and a few cups to contain the epoxy solution.

How to do it:

  • Mix and apply the resin base coat to the tabletop.
  • Choose resin colors that strongly contrast the color of the tabletop or one that blends well.
  • Use a paintbrush to spread the base coat evenly across the surface and allow it to dry.
  • Use a heat gun to remove any bubbles on the surface and to speed up the drying process.
  • Once dry, mix individual resin colors in their cups and pour them individually into the PVC pipe and onto the table in a stylish pattern.
  • Add an extra resin coat after the base coat has dried and enjoy the beauty

2. Exquisite Resin Jewelry

All beginners must try this one out. One can take so many creative directions when it comes to designing resin jewelry.

Jewelry casting is very easy to make. The molds are by far the easiest to make.

Hence, resin jewelry manufacturers offer resin molds in bulk because they are very cheap to make and add to the buyer’s level of enjoyment.

Resin accessories that you will be able to make at home include hair clips, rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.

Making these are a cakewalk because all you need to do is mix the resin and hardener and pour them into the mold of your choice.

How to do it:

  • Attach a pin, chain plug, or little trinkets while the resin cures (optional).
  • Trinkets may include grains of rice, glitter, individual letters, color swirls.
  • One can add the upgrades while mixing the resin and hardener to add a different effect to the jewelry.

3. Resin Light Bulbs

Resin is not only useful for crafts but also for practical applications such as in light production.

Resin can be used to decorate light bulbs that are super effective in an aesthetic sense but are also far more effective in the way they illuminate the surroundings.

One can use crystal resin as it is great at absorbing and reflecting light in a specific shape and form.

Crystal resin created in the mold of a light bulb when prepared with the right chemical composition can make for an effective lighting option if an LED (light-emitting diode) is placed within the bulb capsule.

How to do it:

  • Simply combine resin and hardener and pour into the bulb mold.
  • After curing, add the LED to the top of the light bulb casting.
  • Remove from the mold.
  • Add a light bulb cap and you are all set to go!
The Most Creative Ways To Use Epoxy Resin

4. Resin Paintings

Awaken the Picasso in you with this exciting DIY approach to home art. Resin paintings are a real hot topic these days.

Many people have started making resin paintings at home, get real good at it, and have started selling them for a good amount of money.

Unlike other resin crafts, creating resin paintings does take a certain amount of skill and intensity.

After all, your painting does have to have some substance and consistency the consistency of resin can make it a challenging endeavor.

However, they can be a lot of fun and one can get quite good at it with a little bit of practice.

How to do it:

  • Start by getting a canvas and paintbrush and just have a go at it.
  • Designs with resin often turn out quite good even if they are random. However, you may need a few tries if you are trying to create something specific.
  • Start small by making small resin paintings to keep costs low.
  • Invest in more resin and a bigger canvas once you get good at it.

Whatever resin project you undertake, make sure you are having fun with it because that’s what it is all about!

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