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The Miracle Herb From Asia: 7 Awesome Benefits Of Kratom Powder

During the early days of humanity, treatments for common injuries and ailments just weren’t available.

Countless people lost their lives to illnesses, infections, and medical conditions that are easily treatable today.

Back then, though, people simply didn’t have the knowledge and understanding needed to cure those issues.

Of course, all that eventually changed.

In time, inquisitive members of society began to experiment with various treatments.

They worked with plants and other natural substances because those were all they had.

They studied plants and their various properties, observed their effects on people, and recorded which benefits and disadvantages each experimental treatment had to offer.

Healers learned ways of extracting substances from plants and other natural items.

The Miracle Herb From Asia: 7 Awesome Benefits Of Kratom Powder

They found new and innovative ways of combining them to form new remedies. As a result, once-fatal injuries and illnesses became less of a threat.

Medicine throughout the Ages

Numerous effective treatments and techniques emerged from ancient knowledge and experience. Suturing wounds and surgical incisions date back more than 5,000 years.

Over 3,000 years ago, people were chewing the bark of the willow tree to relieve pain. Scientists eventually began to refine willow bark into salicin, which ultimately became acetylsalicylic acid.

Today, we know that compound as aspirin. Some 8,000 years ago, various cultures were using the seeds of the poppy plant to alleviate pain and induce a sense of elation.

Their active ingredient, morphine, became a widely used painkiller.

On top of all those natural remedies, we can’t overlook all the medicinal uses of marijuana and hemp to arise over the centuries.

Kratom powder like the varieties available from falls into this category as well. Though it’s a lesser-known natural treatment, it’s receiving quite a bit of acclaim these days.

Over time, a long list of new medications entered the market.

Some were derived from long-known natural remedies whereas others were purely synthetic.

They established a place for themselves in the world of medicine and helped countless patients overcome injuries and sicknesses.

People began to veer away from natural remedies, turning instead to the more processed, synthetic alternatives.

Now, though, many are going back to the time-tested options to help with their medical issues.

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is a tree that’s native to Southeast Asia and related to the coffee tree. In some cases, people chew its leaves to gain its medicinal effects or brew them to make a tea. More commonly, though, people use kratom powder. It comes from drying and grinding up the leaves. Three different types of kratom are available: red, white, and green. Numerous strains of each color have also been discovered.

Exploring the Benefits of Kratom Powder

Studies show kratom powder can offer a wide range of benefits when it comes to treating certain issues. Each color has its own general set of potential health advantages. That being said, their benefits often overlap as well. Numerous inspiring stories have emerged from those who’ve had positive experiences with kratom.

1) Pain Relief

One of the most common uses of kratom is pain relief. Many insist strains in the red category work best for this purpose, but some people experience more satisfying results from green varieties. This makes it a highly sought-after treatment for mild and severe pain stemming from various injuries and medical conditions.

2) Reducing Inflammation

Kratom’s anti-inflammatory properties are largely responsible for its ability to relieve pain. As such, it may help those with arthritis and other types of pain caused by inflammation. At the same time, many over-the-counter and prescription painkillers cause stomach inflammation. This creates an entirely new level of discomfort. Kratom can reduce the pain of stomach inflammation caused by other medications while providing its own analgesic effects.

3) Combating Depression

Many people say they’ve experienced relief from the persistent symptoms of depression while taking kratom. These include extreme sadness, hopelessness, irritability, loss of appetite, lack of interest, and physical pain to name a few. White strains are generally recommended for treating depressions, but green may offer uplifting effects and ease those symptoms as well.

4) Battling Fatigue

Extreme fatigue can be a result of overexertion and loss of sleep, but it’s also a common symptom of many medical conditions, including arthritis, anemia, thyroid disorders, liver and kidney disease, and autoimmune disorders to name a few. Kratom doesn’t necessarily treat those conditions, but it can help combat the fatigue that generally comes with them as well as other side effects. White and green strains are typically best for battling fatigue.

5) Eliminating Insomnia

Millions of people suffer from insomnia in varying degrees. Ongoing lack of sleep can lead to numerous health issues, not the least of which are physical pain, irritability, depression, anxiety, and difficulty concentrating. Red kratom can be helpful in treating insomnia because of its relaxing and calming effects. It may also lower stress levels for some people. Though kratom improves sleeping habits through a chemical reaction in the body and brain, its aroma is thought to aid in the process as well.

6) Alleviating Digestive Issues

For many people, digestive issues run far deeper than occasional stomach upset. Conditions like IBD, Crohn’s disease, and colitis are on the rise. All of them cause severe abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, and other debilitating symptoms while increasing the risk of developing certain types of cancer, blood clots, and other health problems. Since kratom can help reduce inflammation, which is among the root causes of all those issues, it’s often effective for treating those conditions as well.

7) Treating Addiction

Certain studies show kratom can have similar effects on the brain as opioids and other potentially harmful and addictive medications. In fact, it interacts with some of the same receptors as those drugs. Numerous people insist they’ve used kratom to wean themselves off of dangerous and addictive drugs. It can also help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

In a Nutshell

Kratom dates back thousands of years. Like hemp and marijuana, it’s an age-old treatment that has been found effective for many conditions and symptoms.

Though it fell out of the public eye to an extent for quite some time, it’s back in the spotlight.

Kratom gives numerous people an alternative to synthetic medications and other largely ineffective treatments.

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