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The First Kiss: When to Go For It?

The first kiss can be a spur to the development of your relationship with your date. Additionally, it can indicate whether she is attracted to you physically in the same way as you’re drawn to her. So, you understand the importance of the first kisses and want to know when it’s the right time and place to go for it. We and Brides Bay Agency created list of tips to help you with first kiss.

The First Kiss: When to Go For It?
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The first kiss should be timely

You task is to find an appropriate moment for kissing her. There are two possible mistakes guys usually make: kiss too early and kiss too late. As to the first case, it usually happens on the first dates when a guy is rushing things and attempts to kiss a girl before she realizes she really wants it. What makes it such a huge mistake is that your move may scare her off. Moreover, if the kiss went rather awkwardly, she may decide not to see you again. The second scenario is fraught with the friend zone.

You should know how her thoughts will evolve: she’ll be thinking about the kiss on the first and second dates, by the third date she’ll be totally ready for the kiss, and then if you’re still hesitating, she may question your attitude to her. In the long run, she’ll make up her mind that you can be only friends and nothing more.

How to know the right time has come?

You’ll feel that in your guts. It usually comes naturally as we are all born with a kissing instinct. All you need to do is to feel the energy between you two that will prompt you to make a move. You should also know that there is no such notion as “the perfect time to kiss”. Different factors determine the time for that intimate moment. If you both feel the connection and just can’t resist the temptation, your kiss may happen at the end of your first date or even before the first date. Also, it can be delayed for weeks. Everything depends on your mutual attraction and willingness.

You may still wonder is there some signals or signs that will give you some clue to her readiness? Fortunately for you, there are some indicators of her interest in you. If she wants you to kiss her she will:

Lick her lips. That means she focuses her attention on her lips and does it on purpose. She is preparing her lips for a kiss as most people do.

Get closer. If a woman is not yet ready to kiss you, she’ll keep the safe distance between you and her. However, if she’s into you, she’ll move closer and closer to you. If you see that she’s leaning towards you and your faces are scandalously close so that you can feel her breath, that’s the sign.

Hang around. If she doesn’t turn around and go after you say goodbye, this can be a sign that she doesn’t want to leave right now because there is something left to do. That something is kissing. Take a look at her: is she lowering her eyes, playing with her hair, or mysteriously looking at something? Those are the signs that she is waiting for the kiss. Decipher those signals; otherwise, she’ll get disappointed in you.

Test the waters

It seems to you that she is ready for the kiss, but you need to know for sure. Here is a test. Lean in towards her to see her reaction. If she pulls you back, back off, she’s not ready yet. If she playfully tilts her head and smiles timidly, it means “yes” but she is scared.

Another kiss-question many guys ask is how to kiss. Films suggest that people kiss passionately even if it’s their first kiss on their first date. In real life, it’s considered too much. The first kiss should be tongue-free and soft and last 3 to 5 seconds. If it lasts less, it may feel like a friendly kiss. If it’s much longer, she may feel awkward. Remember that it’s your first kiss, your starting point for your further relationship. It should leave you with the feeling of wanting more, and you’ll definitely have more kisses if you both realize you’re meant to be.

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