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Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) During Sleep Might Be A Sign Of Stress And Anxiety

Bruxism is a condition in which a person grinds and clenches their teeth constantly.

People with bruxism mostly grind their teeth during their sleep but they may do it even while they are awake.

Teeth grinding during sleep is a sleep-related disorder and people with sleep bruxism are more likely to develop other sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and snoring.

Although mild bruxism may not pose more danger but in some severe cases, bruxism may cause dental problems such as crooked teeth, jaw disorders, headaches etc.

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) During Sleep Might Be A Sign Of Stress And Anxiety

So you might consider consulting a dentist or a physician for these problems before they get severe.


  • Teeth grinding or clenching
  • Teeth that are loose, chipped, fractured or flattened
  • Worn tooth enamel
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Tired jaw muscles
  • Soreness and pain in jaws, face or neck
  • Dull headache
  • Sleep disruption

Bruxism, a sign of stress

Stress is a culprit behind teeth grinding.

It is more common in adults but a small percentage shows it may occur in children at an early age who are exposed to stressful situations.

It has been observed that people who developed bruxism at an early age showed signs of anxiety, chronic depression, or stress.

During sleep, when a person starts grinding their teeth, the heart rate and brain activity rises, implying that the nervous system plays a basic role in bruxism.

This means that teeth grinding is not necessarily a physical issue but is a repercussion of mental issues as well.

So what should be done to reduce mental stress and in result reduce the teeth grinding. Let’s take a look at some of the suggestions.

Stress-reduction techniques

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) During Sleep Might Be A Sign Of Stress And Anxiety

According to mental health experts, teeth grinding is a sign of mental stress, anxiety, and depression. If you have bruxism, you can try stress reduction techniques to decrease the teeth grinding. These techniques may also improve your overall health.

  • Meditation

Meditation reduces stress and anxiety by keeping the body calm. Join a meditation group or you can try it alone at home. Practice an hour or 20 minutes of meditation daily.

  • Yoga

Yoga is one of the most old and authentic health practices that not only nourishes the mind but also spirit and body. Look for yoga classes online or join a yoga studio near you. You will soon observe a positive change in your mental and physical health.

  • Exercise

Exercise reduces stress by producing endorphins. Set a goal of at least 20 minutes of exercise daily so your body can adjust to this new lifestyle change. Explore a variety of cardio exercises and workouts to incorporate in your fitness routine.

Tongue and jaw muscle exercises

Tongue and jaw muscle exercises relaxes the facial muscles and jaws maintaining the correct alignment of the jawbones.

Try the following exercises:

  • Open your mouth wide while touching the tip of your tongue to the front teeth.
  • Say the letter “N” out loud. This will help you avoid clenching.

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