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Stuck In A Rut? Here Are 4 Proven Methods To Help Boost Creativity

Almost everyone has found out the hard way that you cannot push the creative process.

Stuck In A Rut? Here Are 4 Proven Methods To Help Boost Creativity

There are many times when you might feel blocked, such as hitting a dead end on your project, not being able to come up with a good topic for your blogpost, or even not being able to figure out what to wear.

All of these point towards a creative rut.

Every aspect of a creative process needs a ton of preparation and attention.

If you are not upto your full potential, your creativity can be suppressed.

If you ever get stuck, here are some proven methods to help you get back into the groove.

Change your surroundings

A lot of people do not understand that a break from your regular life can always induce and unlock your creativity.

If you have the money and time to afford an out-of-town-trip, do it without thinking twice.

If by chance, you do not have this luxury, you can always just try to change your work surroundings so that your brain is forced to perceive things differently.

You can even go ahead and change your environment by redecorating your work space. Think things such as changing the lighting or even replacing old wallpaper.

A change of perspective in terms of surroundings will also lead to a change of perspective for your projects.

Smoke some weed

What people used to classify as a drug is now used for helping people deal with ailments such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite and even chronic pain.

A ton of studies have pointed out the efficacy of weed in dealing not only with these mental health issues but also in unlocking and boosting your creativity.

Most studies show that Sativa dominant strains such as the pineapple crush strain can help you focus and energize you for the day ahead.

Stuck In A Rut? Here Are 4 Proven Methods To Help Boost Creativity

Many people prefer buying cannabis online from trusted sources and vendors. Just make sure to check the grade of the strain before buying it.

Meditate and relax

Relaxing your mind has a ton of benefits. It not only relaxes your body, but helps you rejuvenate your mind.

It reminds you to take a break from technology and to focus on getting in touch with yourself.

Simple activities such as taking a walk on the beach or going for a swim can have a relaxing effect on you and your mood.

A ton of studies point towards the use of meditation in increasing productivity and unlocking your mental potential.

Be positive

It might sound like a cliche, but researchers have found out that having a positive outlook in life can extremely encourage you to be more adventurous, thereby helping you boost your creativity.

A theory called the broaden-and-build theory, is a positive psychology theory that states when a person is happy, they are more likely to become exploratory.

This positivity can help individuals be more flexible and open-minded, and therefore, more creative.

Do not feel troubled when you hit a roadblock.

Creativity is not only about having good ideas, but also about being able to implement them in the future.

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