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Sip, Share, Laugh and Love

There’s nothing like getting together with the women in your family, or your chosen family, your friends. I want to tell you about a new game I got for ladies in my circle. Together we can sip, share, laugh, and love.

Sip, Share, Laugh, and Love

We all need time to unwind, relax, and just chill with our women squad. There’s not much better than pouring some wine, eating some chocolate, and chatting with your besties. Sip & Share is a new card game from Successfully Me. It’s designed to get the conversations flowing, and give you prompts for them to be more meaningful.

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Love, Life, Relationships

Often times when we get together we talk about our jobs, kids, and significant others. We usually vent, and then what? Sometimes my bestie and I then run out of things to talk about. Which is where Sip & Share comes in. Each card has a question prompt to get you thinking and talking.

The questions cover everything. From love and life, to sex and relationships, careers, dreams, and more. No topic is off-limits, but that’s part of the fun. It’s a fun way to be nosy and get to know the women in your life better.

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Great for Generations

Now that I’m almost forty, conversations have changed. When we get together at my mom’s, the girls tend to stay at the table after dinner, while the men retire to the living room. It’s myself, my mama, my older sister, and my Babcią. So three generations are talking. My Babcią is eighty, and has become very spunky in her older age. She actually talks about sex and stuff now which is kind of funny, but also shows where we’re at in life. We’re equals. I can’t wait to take my Sip & Share card game over to my mom’s next time.

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I want to know more about my Babcią’s life, but I don’t always know how to ask. I’m super socially awkward, so these cards will make it easier for me to get a peek inside from her point of view.

To learn more, and to order yours, click here. You can also follow via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.