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Simple Tricks – How to Save Money this Summer

There are ways to save money throughout the year, but the warm temperatures of summer provide some ways that just don’t apply in the winter months. There are some clear, cost-effective strategies that may have happened to some of you already, such as having a camping holiday in a beautiful location rather than visiting an expensive city and staying in an over-priced hotel.

And Some

But there are also many other ways that you can try which will also add up, too, from simply cutting back on electricity usage to home window tinting. Let’s take a look at some summer saving tips to help save money

Turn Off the Air Conditioner

That doesn’t mean you will have to suffer sweltering heat, but just be aware of the weather so that you can maximize efficiency and save money by using the AC only when really necessary. For example, if it happens to be a cool evening, turn off the air before going to bed and open a few windows. This will help to create cross-ventilation by simply opening windows on opposite sides of your home, and then set up a fan to take the air out of one window. This will pull cooler night-time air into your home and remove warmer, stuffier daytime air.

Outside cooking

Cooking or baking creates a whole lot of excess heat that has nowhere to go but stay in your home. Try taking ideas for meals to the barbecue grill outside in order to keep it cool inside. Plus, cooking outside turns a plain dinner into a fun barbie.

Make the Most of Extended Evenings

Rather than retiring to the sofa to watch TV, use the extended daylight hours to savour the great outdoors. You’ll save some money on electricity by not using the electronics and indoor lighting, and get some exercise and fresh air, also.

Window Tinting

A great way to save money on your electric bills this summer, is with the installation of window tinting on your home windows. In the summer time, when the sun is the hottest, the sun’s rays enter your home and heat the air, giving your poor old air conditioner a longer running time. This obviously works out into higher electrical bills. By simply adding window tinting, you can save a large amount of money and at the same time, stay cooler. If done professionally, it is the perfect addition to your home, saving you money and blocking the sun’s powerful heat. Lucky enough to be residing in W. Australia? Home window tinting in Perth by Rayban Window Tinting provide a first class professional service at an affordable price.

Replacement of Air Conditioner Filters

This one can be easily overlooked, but an unclean filter can definitely up your cooling costs. A dirty filter restricts the airflow and the efficiency of the air conditioning, which creates more usage time and higher cooling costs. Filters are cheap enough anyway, so simply replace them regularly.


These ideas will hopefully not only save you money, but inspire you to think of others! Enjoy the summer AND saving on bills! G’day!

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