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Responsibilities & Safety Matter When Owning A Gun

Guns are involved in just 0.27% of accidental deaths in the United States.

Let’s keep it that way.

If you’re looking into owning your first gun, you need to understand your safety responsibilities, as well as all the important factors in buying a gun that is safe for you and your household. 

To get prepared to buy your first gun, keep reading.

Responsibilities & Safety Matter When Owning A Gun

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about finding the right gun for you, and staying safe after you purchase it. 

Keep also in mind that there is a big list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to gun ownership; according to N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5, unlawful possession of a gun can arise in five different ways that you familiarize yourself as a responsible gun owner.

Choosing Your First Gun

Choosing the right gun to purchase is your first safety concern. 

The wrong gun, wrong size, wrong weight, and wrong caliber all create safety risks.

Here are the universal need-to-knows for choosing the right firearm for you.


There’s a whole world of gun options at a whole range of price points.

Just remember, when you buy a gun, you will get what you pay for. A cheap gun is a liability in an emergency.

Gun Fit

In order for you to use your handgun safely, it has to be a good fit for your hand. Some models will be too large, and others will be too small.

With an improper fit, you’ll struggle to handle your firearm, and you definitely won’t be able to aim properly.

Make sure you handle the gun in the store before you purchase it.

Hold the grip firmly, keeping your finger off the trigger.

Feel its weight to evaluate if it is too light or heavy for you to handle. 

As well, make sure that your grip doesn’t cover any features on the gun like the slide or ejection button.

You should be able to use every part of the gun comfortably. 

Caliber Size

As a rule, you should choose the largest caliber that you can handle (keeping in mind that the more powerful the caliber, the more physical strength you will need to handle it).

Why? Because a gun is not a halfway measure.

If you are interested in a gun as a “deterrent” or “show of force” and aren’t actually prepared to fire it in an emergency, it’s better not to buy it at all.

Always remember that your opponent could be armed too.

If you bring your gun out in a home defense situation, you have to be prepared to use it.

So don’t purchase a low-caliber bullet as a compromise; instead, buy the caliber that you would need in the worst-case scenario.

The Four Commandments of Gun Safety

Now that you’ve bought your first gun, you need to handle and store it safely.

Responsibilities & Safety Matter When Owning A Gun

The best safety advice is the same four commandments that your grandfather probably told you. 

  • Treat every weapon like it’s loaded. We can’t say this emphatically enough. Even if there’s no magazine in the gun, there may still be a round in the chamber. Never, ever assume that your gun is safe to point at anything or anyone.
  • Only point your gun at things that you’re willing to destroy. See above.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger unless you’re ready to fire. While you’re holding a gun to size it to your hand or transferring it from a gun safe to its holster, place your trigger finger around the outside of the trigger guard.
  • Always know exactly what your target is, and what’s behind it. This goes for when you’re at the shooting range, hunting with friends, at home, and everywhere else.

Remember, today’s well-made guns generally never go off on their own, even if they’re dropped. 

That means that the 458 fatal firearm accidents in 2018 were caused by human error.

Following these important safety tips will prevent a majority of gun-related accidents from happening in your home.

Safe Storage

Maybe you plan to wear your weapon during the day and only keep it home at night.

Or maybe you’re purchasing it for home protection purposes, and it’s going to stay at home permanently.

Either way, 77% of gun accidents happen in the home, so keeping your firearm safe at home is a top priority.

Gun safes are the most secure way to prevent accidents at home.

Your options range from briefcase-sized safes that only hold your gun and its accessories, to a larger safe that can store your gun as well as any other valuables you have in your home. 

Be warned: gun safes can be expensive, and many first-time gun owners forget to factor in this cost.

Read more now about your options and how to choose the right gun safe to store your firearm.

Plan to Practice

An inexperienced gun owner is an unsafe gun owner.

If your shiny new handgun stays locked away in the safe, will you be ready to use it when the moment comes?

Responsibilities & Safety Matter When Owning A Gun

Or will handling your gun for the first time only fluster you more in an emergency?

To make sure that you don’t miss when the moment comes (or even worse, panic and hit something or someone unintentional) make sure you get your gun out to practice.

Find a shooting range near you and practice your aim. At the same time, get used to the weight, recoil, and power of your weapon.

But don’t just practice hitting the target at the range.

At home, go through the motions of unlocking your gun safe and wielding your (empty) firearm.

This will get you prepared to use your gun in the real world so that you don’t fumble when you need it.

Ask Questions

The most underused safety precaution in the gun-buying book? Asking questions.

If you’re buying your first gun from a reputable store (and you should be), the staff are your best resource to help you figure out everything you need to know.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about everything from which gun suits your needs, what holster to choose, and how often to clean it.

Even if you feel silly asking, you’ll feel a lot sillier if you make a mistake that could have been prevented with a little know-how.

You’ll also have lots of opportunities to ask questions while you’re at the shooting range developing your marksmanship.

Learn from all the mistakes that everyone else has made so that you don’t have to make them yourself. 

Own Your First Gun Confidently

Buying your first gun is a rite of passage.

With this guide, you can tackle everything from buying, owning, and storing your first gun confidently and safely. 

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