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Reasons Not To Purchase Shared Hosting

If you are creating a website for your business, there are certain important considerations that are to be taken into account.

Web hosting is one of them.

Within web hosting, there are different categories that can be purchased. Shared hosting is one of them.

There are many reasons why a lot of professional websites do not prefer shared web hosting.

Reasons Not To Purchase Shared Hosting

This article will take you through the different compelling reasons why you should avoid shared hosting at all times:

  1. Poor load time

If the website loading time is slow, then it can be detrimental in many ways. With shared web hosting, you are bound to have poor load time.

With shared web hosting, there are hundreds, if not thousands of people on the same server.

The server is shared by a lot of users. This means that the load time is negatively affected.

The space is being used by mutually. Big businesses should at all costs avoid shared hosting since it can compromise a lot.

  1. Security concerns

There are security concerns with shared hosting. Shared hosting will not let you to install certain features such as antivirus or anti malware which is essential for the protection of your website.

If malicious programs are being run by one user on the shared server, it can breach the security of other users.

This can be potentially dangerous which is a major cause of concern for the user.

Thus, one should always prefer other forms of hosting. You can get to know more about it on

  1. No control

Dedicated hosting is when a server is completely dedicated to a certain user.

However, this is not the case with shared hosting. A lot of users share one server.

This ultimately means that there is no control over the resources which are being allocated to you.

You can only utilize those resources which are being allocated to you.

The lack of control that the user has is one of the major reasons why it should not be used.

Reasons Not To Purchase Shared Hosting
  • Overload on the server

Shared web hosting is detrimental for businesses which experience heavy traffic.

It can cause major damage to them. The shared server will be experiencing a lot of traffic. This overload can cause the servers to freeze up.

This can result into major downtime on your website. It can have a negative reputation for your website.

Thus, in order to avoid overload on the server, you should go for other forms of web hosting which is reliable.

  • Cyber attack threats

There are statistics which show that websites which use shared hosting are more vulnerable to cyber attack threats. This is due to the poor security features.

Therefore, they can then access the confidential information which is stored on the website. This can be a major blow to the reputation of the website and the business.

Thus, it is always advisable to use dedicated hosting to ensure that there are no cyber attack threats.

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