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PT-141: The Sexual Desire Enhancing Peptide

A synthetic peptide as PT-141 (a.k.a. Bremelanotide, or its trade name “Vyleesi”) comes from alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (-MSH); however other scientists think it is the active metabolite of the Melanotan 2 peptide.

Researchers questioned whether Melanotan 2’s negative effect of generating erections might disappear so that just the sex-enhancing benefits of Melanotan 2 could take place.

PT-141: The Sexual Desire Enhancing Peptide

When the “PT” element of its code name appeared for the first time, it was in a report published in 2003 by scientists working for a New Jersey-based pharmaceutical business.

What’s fascinating about this study is how it jumps right into rat data:

MC3R and MC4R melanocortin receptors in the brain are exceptionally responsive to the agonist [PT-141].

Researchers induce penile erections in rats and different creatures after administration of PT-141. The increase in c-Fos immunoreactivity after systemic injection of PT-141 to rats suggests that this medication stimulates neurons in the hypothalamus.

The number of erections in rats given PT-141 through various methods significantly increased.

The increase in c-Fos immunoreactivity after systemic injection of PT-141 to rats suggests that this medication stimulates neurons in the hypothalamus.

Scientists administered PT-141 to subjects with >6 months of erectile dysfunction difficulties who had had success with PDE5 inhibitors like Viagra in a separate mini-study inside the publication.

It showed the potential to increase base stiffness duration by more than 80% compared to the placebo.

Mechanism of Action of PT-141

Multiple melanocortin receptors Bremelanotide agonistically effects, including MC1R, MC4R, MC3R, MC5R, and MC2R.

It is presently unclear how antagonism of MC4R receptors improves hypoactive sexual drive condition; however, they are present throughout the central nervous system.

Hypothalamic MC3R and MC4R are associated with food consumption and energy balance.

Experts have hypothesized that Bremelanotide activates medial preoptic area dopamine, which may take part in various creatures’ sexual behavior.

So, instead of boosting blood circulation in the genitals like a PDE5 blocker (i.e., Cialis, Viagra), PT-141 targets the brain area responsible for controlling the reaction to sexual stimuli.

The tan/darkening of skin with Melanotan 2 does not occur with PT-141, despite its ability to act on the MC1R receptor.


Erectile dysfunction is the principal advantage of PT 141. Subjects with mild-to-moderate erectile dysfunction responded well to this synthetic peptide treatment.

PT-141: The Sexual Desire Enhancing Peptide

In addition to improving low sexual desire, enhancing mood, and improving the entire sexual experience, PT 141 has other advantages.

If any of the data presented above is of interest to you, you can buy pt 141 with a credit card for research purposes only.

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