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Preparing For A Tummy Tuck: All You Need To Know

A tummy tuck is the best solution for loose, sagging abdominal skin.

The operation, which is also known as abdominoplasty, is used to tighten and tone the abdominal area by eliminating redundant skin and fat.

Tummy tucks are also useful for fixing diastasis recti, or separation of the abdominal muscles.

It’s easy to see why this operation is so popular among women who want a mommy makeover, a more attractive body following weight reduction, or just their flat, pre-baby tummy back.

But, the optimal time for a tummy tuck is always after you’ve performed the essential preparation measures, so it doesn’t matter what caused you to contemplate getting the surgery in the first place.

When you’re ready to begin getting ready for your tummy tuck surgery, keep the following tips in mind.

Preparing For A Tummy Tuck: All You Need To Know

Get to Your Desired Weight

Keep in mind that if you lose weight after your tummy tuck, you may end up with even more extra skin, so it’s preferable to go as near as you can to your ideal weight before undergoing surgery.

A tummy tuck may make your tummy flatter, but it shouldn’t be used as a substitute for dieting and exercise.

Cosmetic surgery is a separate field from weight loss surgery, and the goal of body contouring after pregnancy or weight reduction is only to help you feel more confident in your skin.

Adjust to Less Food Consumption

You have every right to be pleased with yourself if you have reached your ideal weight.

When you finally show yourself that you can keep your ideal weight stable, only then will your hard effort be really worthwhile.

Abdominoplasty physicians often advise patients to wait at least six months after achieving their ideal body weight before undergoing the procedure.

If you aren’t confident in your ability to keep a steady weight, you may undo part of the effects of your tummy tuck, even if you combine it with liposuction.

You shouldn’t try to crash diet just before a tummy tuck since it won’t give you enough time to establish long-term good eating habits. For those looking to maintain a low-calorie diet, here are some suggestions:

  • Include a wide range of fresh produce in your diet;
  • Antioxidants are abundant in brightly colored food such as blueberries, avocados, mango, and strawberries;
  • Consume protein sources that are low in fat, such as fish and white meat;
  • Eat plenty of beans, nuts, brown rice, and greens to get your daily dose of fiber.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Maintaining an adequate water intake helps facilitate weight reduction and ensure that the body makes full use of the nutrients it takes in.

In order to maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet, it is crucial to drink enough water to replace the fluids your body loses naturally every day.

And still, the majority of people—as high as 80%—do not drink enough water.

Generally speaking, you are probably dehydrated if you notice that your urine isn’t colorless or a very pale yellow as usual. Chapped lips, a dry mouth, and greasy skin are further symptoms of dehydration.

Get Enough Rest

Those who get inadequate shut-eye are more likely to engage in sedentary behaviors, consume more calories than they burn, overeat, and choose processed foods.

Even premature aging may be caused by not getting enough sleep. For those who are serious about maintaining a healthy routine, getting adequate sleep every night is a must.

Although the ideal amount of sleep for an adult is somewhere around 9 hours, most individuals function best between 7 and 9 hours.

After you establish a consistent habit, you will likely have a better idea of how much is ideal for you.

Stop Smoking

We all know that tobacco use is linked to a variety of health issues, ranging from minor to severe and life-threatening.

Let your tummy tuck serve as the encouragement you need to finally throw your smoking habit to the curb if you took it up in your younger years.

As compared to nonsmokers, smokers recover after surgery far more slowly and are at increased risk for problems.

Preparing For A Tummy Tuck: All You Need To Know

Exercise and other forms of physical exertion are significantly diminished by smoking because of the negative effects on the heart and lungs.

Do yourself a favor and give up smoking completely at least six weeks before your operation.

After that, try to not pick up the habit again.

Final Thoughts

Finally, take a deep breath. After making every effort to succeed, you should feel proud of yourself.

It’s a lot of work to prepare for a big operation like a tummy tuck. Relax by yourself by doing something you like, like taking a long walk or a relaxing spa treatment.

Learning how to unwind can do wonders for facilitating a calm, worry-free recuperation.

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