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Not Really Gone

Not Really Gone. I think many of us can relate to the title on some level or another. Not Really Gone is a story that rings very true and close to my own. It was uncommon when I was younger to be raised by grandparents. Think back to the 70s and 80s. But now it’s common to find grandparents helping out physically, emotionally and financially with their grandchildren.  Not Really Gone is about a young lady, Blaire Sharpe, who was raised by her grandmother. Blaire’s grandmother gave it her all to raise Blaire and her siblings when their parents could not. Through her grandmother’s sacrifice and devotion Blaire learned what true love was.  As all children do, when Blaire became an adult she went to college, moved out and had a family of her own. The whole time remaining close to her grandmother. And when her grandmother’s health was failing Blaire invited her grandmother into her home and took care of her. 

Blaire is similar to many adults these days, in the respect she is raising her own family while helping support her grandmother. For most, it’s their parents. But for Blaire her grandmother was her parent. It’s an exhausting position to be in. Trust me, I’m in it myself. Raising a family and taking care of a parent is emotionally, mentally and physically draining. Blaire details her struggles. And she has seen some dark times. Throughout Blaire’s life she has dealt with addiction, alcoholism and domestic abuse. But she kept pushing on. Her grandmother’s love gave her the strength to keep preserving. 

Not Really Gone is Blaire Sharpe’s memoir. It’s touching and thought provoking. For me I could relate on many levels and really enjoyed reading the book. But I really feel everyone will be able to relate to Blaire’s struggles and joys.  I really enjoyed reading Blaire’s story and I’m grateful she shared it with all of us. 

To obtain your own company of Not Really Gone you can find it on Amazon, Barnes & Nobel or AuthorHouse

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