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Make Sure To Buy These 6 Items Before Getting A Dog

Getting a puppy isn’t as simple as filling out paperwork and taking a pet home. As a new dog parent, you’ve got a lot of responsibility on your plate.

For one, you must schedule a visit to the vet to get your new pooch examined and vaccinated.

On top of this, it’s important to obtain essential pet supplies to make your home more comfortable for your new pup.

Make Sure To Buy These 6 Items Before Getting A Dog

Having basic pet supplies ready can help make the adjustment period easier for dogs and pet owners. When getting the essentials, it’s important to think about what items you’ll need all the time for your pup.

So before adopting a new furry friend, make sure to get these six important pet items to doggy-proof your home:

A Dog Collar with a Matching Identification Tag

First and foremost, make sure to get a dog collar with a proper identification tag for your pet.

Though you might get a free collar when you pick up your pup, it will most likely be a flimsy neckband that will break down relatively quickly.

That said, it’s better to get custom dog collars that are made with durable materials and are designed to securely fasten onto your pup’s neck.

This will ensure that the collar and ID stay in place even if your pup tries to scratch and pull at it with their paws.

Having your pup wear a dog collar and ID tag can help other people properly identify your pet in case they get lost while you’re out in public.

While microchipping your pup is another effective way of making sure they find their way back home, it’s still best that they sport an ID tag that other people can easily read.

That way, they can contact you ASAP without having to wait to bring the pup somewhere to scan their microchip.

For safety purposes, make sure to indicate that your dog is vaccinated so that whoever finds your pup will know that they’re safe to handle.


Every dog parent needs a leash when they’re walking their pet in the neighborhood, dog park, or any other location.

A leash keeps curious pups from running loose, especially in high-traffic areas.

Many cities also require pet owners to leash their dogs in public areas, so it’s best to follow the rules. Otherwise, you may end up needing to pay a fine.

There are many types of leashes out on the market.

Examples include those that feature reflective materials and nylon ones that are retractable.

Make Sure To Buy These 6 Items Before Getting A Dog

Whatever type of leash you buy, do your best to find a strong and durable one.

Choose a leash that easily clips onto your pup’s collar, too, for convenience’s sake.

Most importantly, it should be strong enough to stay securely clipped and withstand your pup’s pulling or tugging during your entire walk.

Stainless Steel Food and Water Bowls

When getting dedicated food and water bowls for your pup, make sure to choose stainless steel bowls.

Vets prefer bowls made of this material because they do not harbor bacteria and oil buildup compared to plastic bowls.

Stainless steel bowls are also easy to clean and are less breakable than ceramic bowls.

To make sure your dog stays comfortable while they’re eating, choose a food dish that is wide enough for their snout to fit in.

It should also be shallow enough so that your pup’s tongue can reach the bottom of the bowl, while also being big enough to hold one meal’s worth of kibble.

Dog Crate or Carrier

For times when you’re not home to supervise your pup, a dog crate or carrier can give them a safe space of their own, helping them feel comfortable and calm when they move into your living space.

Crates and carriers can also make house training for pups easier because they’ll be less likely to mess up their resting space.

These products are also a fantastic way to safely bring your fur baby from one place to another. When you’re looking for an indoor crate, choose one with removable flat bottoms.

This will allow you to expand your indoor crate to accommodate your growing pup.

Dog diapers

Using dog diapers can help you deal with many common situations that every dog might face.

Regardless of whether it is during dog breeding season, spaying, incontinence or UTI issues, a good supply of washable and durable dog diapers will definitely make a life for you and your pet a lot easier.

You can also keep your place clean under the above circumstances.

Dog diapers also allow you to travel with ease, no matter if you’re traveling by plane or by car.

Pet Food

When it comes to dog food, consult your vet for recommendations that best suit your pup’s age and breed.

They might recommend wet food over dry food, or grain-based food over protein-rich pet foods. Your vet will also give you feeding instructions, including the right portion of dog food for each meal.

Moreover, as your pup grows, their dietary needs will change as well. That’s why it’s important to regularly visit your vet and check whether any changes need to be made to your pup’s diet.

Pet Grooming Supplies

Keep your dog clean and well-kempt with a set of grooming supplies.

Make Sure To Buy These 6 Items Before Getting A Dog

While the exact contents of your kit will depend on your pup’s size and breed, the most basic grooming items you’ll need are shampoo, dog towels, a fur removal brush, and a pair of nail clippers.

When choosing a dog shampoo, make sure to pick one that’s specially formulated for your pup’s coat. Some may be best for thick fur, while others are better suited for thin coats.

If your dog has fleas, there are also special flea and tick removal shampoos that can help address the issue.

It’s also important to brush your pup’s hair regularly.

Brushing detangles pet hair and helps you remove any fur that your fur baby has shed. Finally, use clippers to trim your pup’s nails at least once a month.

Trimming keeps your pup’s nails from growing too long, allowing them to walk around without discomfort.

Being a dog owner means giving a pup a loving home.

Part of that responsibility is preparing the essential pet supplies that your pup needs to live a healthy and comfortable life.

We hope you take note of the basic pet supplies mentioned above when preparing your living space for your new canine companion.

With these on hand, your pup won’t have any problem adjusting to their new life with you.

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