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Life After Rehab: 7 Tips On How To Reintegrate Into Society

Millions of people have successfully gone through rehab for substance addiction over the past few decades.

As research opens up new and improved methods to deal with drug and alcohol abuse, these facilities, like Tarzana Addiction Treatment, evolve, increasing success rates across the board.

But no matter how well you do in the structured, supportive environment of an addiction treatment center, reintegrating back into society can be a challenge.

There, you’re faced with the temptations and stress hidden from you during your time in rehab.

Still, most successful rehab “graduates” fully reintegrate back into the world in their new life as sober individuals. To optimize your chances of a positive transition into society, follow these 7 tips.

Strategies to Transition Back to the “Real World”

Before your time in rehab, you relied on your preferred substance to deal with any stress you faced.

During rehab, you were taught multiple strategies to replace those addictions, but you weren’t really exposed to any major stresses like paying bills, relationship problems, or working at a job you don’t like.

Life After Rehab: 7 Tips On How To Reintegrate Into Society

Now, it’s time to implement those strategies and see if they work for you. For the best chances of success, they need to become habits, so for now, it’s vital to work on these 7 methods daily until they become part of your routine.

1. Keep to a Strict Schedule

During rehab, you had a routine. You knew what to expect, even if you didn’t like getting up early in the morning or making your bed. Sticking to a schedule ensures fewer hiccups in your day and provides you with a purpose.

Most importantly, it reduces your chances of exposure to triggers and temptation. You can still be flexible when necessary, such as if you’re invited to lunch with a close friend, but you’re supposed to be meal-prepping at that time.

Adjust your schedule as you prefer while still staying busy and avoiding stress.

2. Monitor Your Environment

Where were the places you used to go to when you were craving your old addiction? Who were the people you hung around who encouraged that behavior?

Those are the places and people you need to avoid right now.

That doesn’t mean you’ll never get to see them again. Just hold off until you’re confident that you are strong enough to avoid the temptation those triggers will undoubtedly bring.

3. Say No To Celebrations

For now, any parties or events where alcohol may run freely should be avoided. The temptation to indulge in a drink, even if drugs and not alcohol were your addiction, leads down a slippery slope.

Your brain will recognize those chemical hits as old friends and ask for more.

4. Say Yes to Support Groups

There’s a reason why groups like Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous are so prevalent: They work.

Having a supportive environment with people who understand what you’re going through provides a connection that can push you through your urges.

You’ll meet someone you connect with or have a mentor that you can reach out to when you’re struggling to help you get through those moments.

5. Find a Spiritual Practice

Many treatment centers focus on holistic therapy because we recognize today that the optimal well-being includes positive physical, mental, and spiritual health.

You don’t have to feel pressured to choose a religion. Instead, engage in practices that soothe your soul, which may be yoga, meditation, exercise, or prayer.

These activities help release stress and ground you to address the problems in your life easier.

6. Reflect Daily

What are you grateful for? What did you do that day that you’re proud of? Which things do you still want to work on?

Journaling regularly, either on the computer or with old-fashioned paper and pencil, gives you clarity and insight in your life that you might not get without this reflection time.

7. Stay in Counseling

No matter how long you’ve been in therapy, there’s still room to grow.

For now, you’re going through a significant change in your life. Having a counselor who knows you in and out might be what you need to notice warning signs that you’re on the verge of a relapse.

This person can also teach and reinforce strategies to help you deal with stress.

You’re on a Lifetime Journey, But You Can Do It

You’ve already conquered the hard part, and now you’re sober. Staying that way will be something you work on for the rest of your life, but these 7 habits will make the journey a smoother one.

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