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Invaluable Tips To Help You Get Through A Contentious Divorce In California

The day you get married, all you can think about is the wonderful life the two of you will have. It’s all about the romance and love in the moment, and the hope that it will stay true forever. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and for many married couples, forever is not on the cards. Whether the two of you drift apart over the years, you don’t see eye to eye anymore, or for many other reasons, divorce is a very real possibility. Even though the U.S. Census Bureau survey shows that the divorce rate is shrinking, it’s still relatively high.

Invaluable Tips To Help You Get Through A Contentious Divorce In California

So, what happens if you are staring down the barrel of divorce right now, and rather than going through all the motions in a mature manner, things are breaking down fast? How can you get through a contentious divorce and still keep your sanity? Here we’ll take a look at some tips that can help you get through a contentious divorce in California.

First Step – Hire a Lawyer

In terms of tips, the best tip for those going through a contentious divorce in the state of California is to speak to a divorce lawyer immediately. You don’t want to wait until things break down further, making the divorce even messier and more stressful.

An experienced divorce lawyer will understand your rights in California, and will guide you through all the necessary steps and negotiation. They will also represent you in talks, which means you don’t have to sit face to face with your ex if you don’t want to. The divorce lawyer will work to get what is rightfully yours in the settlement so you can then move on.

If you share children together, the divorce proceedings take on a new meaning as a custody agreement will also need to be reached.

Limit Contact with Your Significant Other

It’s also a good idea to limit contact with your ex, especially during the divorce period. Emotions are high which can lead to arguments and words being said that you can’t take back. Leave the communication to each party’s lawyers. If you much communicate with one another, just use a neutral platform such as email or text message, and be sure to save all correspondence in case it’s needed later on.

Do Things for Yourself

This is also an excellent time to do things for yourself. Don’t forget about your own needs and feelings. Divorce is both mentally and physically draining, and if you don’t look after your well-being during this time, it’s sure to take a very large toll. 

Look for ways that you can relax and unwind. That could mean signing up for a class on a topic you find interesting, taking up a new hobby or two, working out, getting together with friends, and just giving yourself the time to not think about the divorce. Learning how to be present and live in the moment can be life-changing.

There’s No Easy Fix

A contentious divorce is never a road that people want to embark on, and unfortunately, there is no easy fix. All one can do is try their best, look after their own mental and physical wellbeing, and remind themselves that this too shall pass.

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