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Incorporating Journal Writing Into Your Recovery Goal

There are numerous benefits to keeping a personal journal. Studies show that journal writing can be beneficial to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. It can be an excellent stress-reducing technique. In addition to that, maintaining a journal can help you work through difficult situations and bring about those ah-ha moments that help you obtain a better understanding of yourself. Journal writing and goal setting go hand-in-hand when you use your journal to write down your goals and track your progress.

While there is no set method of journal writing, there are journal writing techniques that can help you gain the greatest benefit possible from the writing process. Basically, the only steadfast rule that you are required to abide by is that you must be honest with yourself when writing in your journal. There are many books and online sites that can introduce you to and guide you through various journal writing techniques.

Journal writing can help you with all types of goals. It can help you break bad habits or unhealthy habits. It’s an excellent way to monitor your progress toward any goal, whether it be a weight loss goal, a relationship goal or a personal achievement goal.
Your writing skills are not on trial in a journal. Spelling, punctuation or any other such detail doesn’t matter when you’re writing in your journal. There are some journal writing techniques such as those that Kathleen Adams refer to as “stream of consciousness”, “lists” and “clustering” that involve writing your thoughts down rapidly so that your inner critic doesn’t have time to influence or critique your writing.

One journal writing technique involves writing letters. These letters can be to yourself, someone in your past or someone whose presence influences your daily life. You can freely release all of your emotions in these letters, because once you’ve finished writing them, you destroy them. When you release negative emotions in these letters, you’ll feel as if a weight has been lifted once you finish the letter and follow through with destroying it.

When your goal is to break free from an addition, it is advisable to consult with a professional such as those at New River Wellness Center Rehab. Every person is different. Therefore, it is advantageous to you to have an individualized recovery plan that addresses your specific concerns, struggles and goals. Incorporating journal writing into your recovery plan can actually help you establish a journal writing pattern that can remain a part of your daily life long after you’ve reached your recovery goal. Establishing a journal writing habit can help you in many ways for the remainder of your life.


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