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How To Tell If You Have Bad Teeth

While we agree that all smiles are beautiful, we have to say dentists aren’t wrong when they say ‘A healthy smile is a beautiful smile’.

A healthy smile reflects a healthy lifestyle and a healthy person.

If a person is incapable of taking care of their oral hygiene, chances are they’re not the expert at taking care of other aspects of their health too.

But hey, we’re not shaming anyone.

Instead, we’re here to help you find out if you have been taking the right amount of care of your teeth.

Nobody wants bad teeth, do they?

Teeth are the most important part of one’s oral hygiene. Taking care of the teeth means taking care of the mouth.

How To Tell If You Have Bad Teeth

How would you know what is the right care for your teeth?

And how to tell if you even need to do that? We’ll help you figure that out.

What does ‘bad teeth’ imply?

Bad teeth simply mean unhealthy teeth.

Teeth that are prone to diseases and problems or are not in optimal health condition can be called bad teeth.

Examples of bad teeth can be having discolored teeth, bad breath, gum diseases, dental cavities, and much more.

However, it is not always so easy to tell whether your teeth are healthy or not.

This is why we have articulated the following tips to help you figure out if you have bad teeth.

1. Your Bad Breath Doesn’t Go Away

Bad breath is a very common occurrence among people and it is alarming how many people do nothing about it.

Bad breath is one of the first symptoms of an unhealthy mouth.

Therefore, if your bad breath persists and has been there for too long, no matter how many times you brush your teeth, you might want to get checked for gum disease.

It should also be noted that bad breath can be caused by sinus or gastrointestinal problems too, so if a trip to the dentist doesn’t fix it then you should go to your respective doctor.

2. Bleeding Gums

Gum bleeding is a serious problem that can be a sign of gum diseases.

How To Tell If You Have Bad Teeth

If you notice blood in your saliva after brushing your teeth or flossing, then it means you have what is called ‘gum inflammation’ and you should get it checked by your dentist as soon as possible.

Some of the reasons for bleeding gums can be inadequacy while brushing or gums in distress.

Before any further problems develop, make sure to get it treated by your dentist.

3. White Tongue

Bacteria can accumulate on your tongue if you do not clean it with the rest of your mouth.

Many people forget to clean their tongues while brushing their teeth, which results in a white layer over their tongue.

This layer is bacteria that have put up camp in your mouth, and if you do not wash it, they will grow in number and cause more problems for you.

Therefore, a white, coated tongue is a sign of bad teeth.

4. Sensitivity

If you feel pain or discomfort when you consume a cold or hot beverage, chances are you have what is called ‘hypersensitivity’ in your teeth which is a glaring sign of bad oral health.

How To Tell If You Have Bad Teeth

If you experience sensitivity in your teeth, it is recommended to schedule an appointment with a dentist so they can treat it as soon as possible.

There are many other giveaways of bad teeth.

You might notice a gap between your teeth that was never there, or food getting stuck in your mouth more often.

These are some of the signs of bad teeth and it is advised to regularly get checked by a dentist to avoid any bigger problems.

Author Bio:

Larry Alton is a blogger and passionate writer at He loves cooking and is fond of travelling.

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