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How to Stop Armpit Smell – 10 Tips for Staying Fresh and Dry

Excessive underarm sweat and odor can cause issues with your social life. Thousands of people are searching for how to stop armpit smell from occurring. Luckily, there are a variety of treatment options, as well as some tips and tricks to help keep you fresh and dry all day long.

For those who suffer from hyperhidrosis, you may be looking for a permanent solution. 

Hyperhidrosis is where sweat glands never really shut off. They are constantly producing sweat.

Consider these 10 tips to help keep you feeling fresh and clean all day every day!

#1 – Clinical Strength Deodorant or Antiperspirant

If you have tried regular deodorant but are still struggling with sweat and odor, then you may consider switching to a clinical strength deodorant or antiperspirant. These types of deodorants are designed to care for odor more efficiently. You can always consult your doctor for advice if you are unsure which clinical strength antiperspirant is right for you.

#2 – Breathable Clothing

A simple change in clothing may make a huge difference. You can opt to wear clothing that is made from natural fibers, such as cotton or linen. They are breathable and will not trap in body heat as synthetic fibers do.

#3 – Baby Powder

The powder is designed to absorb moisture. A little powder can last you all day. After your shower applies your deodorant. Then try patting on a small amount of talcum or baby powder under your arms. You can reapply throughout the day if you are feeling sweatier than usual. It will help absorb the sweat and deter odor.

#4 – Shaving Your Armpits

By shaving your armpits, you are ensuring your underarms are getting the appropriate amount of air. The less hair that you have, the more air that can get to your skin. As a result, you will sweat less.  

#5 – Keep Hydrated

The power of water can never be underestimated. You must drink adequate amounts of water each day. Not only will it help you stay healthy, but it also decreases the amount of sweat. Water will help keep your body cool, which will decrease the need for the body to produce sweat.

#6 – MiraDry

If you are searching for a permanent solution to your excessive underarm sweating and odor, then miraDry is the solution. This is an FDA-approved procedure that helps eliminate underarm sweat glands for good. MiraDry is conducted in a physician’s office and comes with little to no side effects.

MiraDry uses microwave energy to permanently reduce underarm sweat and odor glands by 82% in two treatments. This eliminates the sweat source and the need to ever use deodorant again! Wondering how to stop your armpits from smelling? MiraDry is a non-invasive permanent solution.

#7 – Hand Sanitizer

If all else fails apply a bit of hand sanitizer to your underarms. While this is a short-term solution it will help eliminate bacteria in your armpits, which contribute to odor. However, if you just shaved or waxed your underarms, then you may not want to try out this tip.

#8 – Shower Often

If you sweat a lot then you may have to get into the routine of taking two showers a day. This will help decrease body odor and get rid of bacteria. If you are showering this much, make sure you moisturize, because the water can cause the skin to dry out.

#9 – Antiperspirants

There is a difference between antiperspirants and deodorants. Antiperspirants block both sweat and odor, while deodorants just block the smell. If you are having issues with sweat and odor, try applying antiperspirant at night. This product uses aluminum to block sweat glands. By putting it on at night, you are giving it time to properly absorb and take effect. In the morning you can reapply, but there will already be a layer of defense working in your favor.

#10 – Watch What You Eat

Believe it or not, what you eat affects your body odor. Certain foods can make you produce more sweat, such as hot peppers or other spicy foods. Things like onions and garlic can also cause a foul odor to be carried out through your sweat.


Many little hacks will help keep you feeling fresh, but if you are truly looking for the best solution on how to stop armpit smell, then you should consider miraDry. Eliminating the source of odor will give you lifelong results!

We Want to Hear from You!

Do you have a way of keeping fresh? Have you considered trying a non-invasive procedure like miraDry to eliminate underarm odor? We want to hear your story. Comment below and tell us what is working on your armpit odor!

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