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How to Recognize You Are Prone To Addiction

Recognize You Are Prone To Addiction

There is no psychiatric diagnosis for an addictive personality. However, there are subtle signs you can look out for in yourself or others. If you’re worried you might be prone to addiction, you’ll be pleased to know there isn’t a personality type that’s more prone to addiction than others. However, there are certain factors that when combined can make it more likely you’ll become addicted to something. Addiction takes many forms, and the top ones are alcohol, drugs, eating disorders, gambling, and exercise. An increasing number of people are also suffering from an addiction to shopping, the internet, and computers. Here are some of the signs to look out for.

Love of Excitement

A love of living on the edge is a sign of an addictive personality. The excitement could take many forms. For example, driving faster than the speed limit, putting your life on the line practicing extreme sports, or indulging in illegal substances. Risks of this kind give a rush of dopamine in the brain which makes you feel pleasure. When you’re used to the experience, you crave the rush more and more. This is when you can find yourself addicted. is somewhere you can go for support.

Unable to Control Compulsive Behavior

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to follow the latest trends; however, when it becomes a compulsion, you need to be worried and find ways to slow down that rush of excitement you feel. Take time out before rushing into making a decision and aim to look at your decision more rationally. Giving yourself time to weigh up your options will help you to keep calm and overcome powerful impulses.

Lack of Commitment to Personal Goals and Values

Do you have any long-term goals? Have you found them falling by the wayside when an impulse strikes? This trait is going to be a difficult one to overcome, but it is possible if you evaluate your goals honestly when a new interest comes along. There are going to be times when your goals and values change, after all, you’re only human. You have to decide whether changing them is the right thing to do, or it’s just you giving in to your compulsive behavior.

Always Feeling Stressed and Anxious

There are plenty of people who feel stressed and anxious, so on its own, this personality trait is not an indication of an addictive personality. However, in combination with other traits, it can indicate you’re at risk of developing an addiction. One of the best ways to deal with this is to admit there is a problem and look for help.

If you can recognize some of these signs in yourself, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to be an addict. However, admitting you have an addictive personality does mean you can find ways to manage it. If you’re not yet addicted to anything, then avoid behaviors or substances you believe you may become addicted to. If you’re already suffering with an addiction, then it’s important you get the right help.

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