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How to Make any Space your Own

We all need to create our own space to feel individually comfortable. A personal space could make you feel emotionally or physically satisfied, and some situations push you to create your own space.

Shared spaces such as living rooms may feel crowded, so you need a space of your own to do things your way. Your shared apartment could be small, but you still need your own space. Creating one could be a daunting task, but it is easier than you think. Keep reading to learn how you can easily make any space your own.  

Rearrange Your Space

First, arrange the furniture to maximize available space in the apartment and to suit your taste. To enjoy your own space, you must create it appropriately. You can also decorate your small room in a way that invites the illusion of a large space. One way is by hanging an attractive painting on the wall or a rug on your floor. 

Another tip is to place your furniture against the edges to create more space. The main aim of this is to allow you to enjoy your own space and move freely. As such, try to remove anything that blocks the way to allow free movement. 

Furnish your Room

A surefire way of marking your territory is furnishing your space. You can add a study desk or chairs in your room to spend time alone. Why use the noisy living room to read when you can create your study room?

Block out distractions by avoiding sharing the living room with other people. Proceed with moderation when furnishing your room because adding many large pieces can make a room congested. A closet, chair, and night table are enough. 

The Storage Should be Used Wisely

You can keep your area more spacious and well-organized by using storage wisely. That extra space allows you to move freely and do personal stuff the way you like. Do not buy additional storage if you have not exhausted what you already have to store personal items. Purchasing extra storage is not only expensive but also makes your room look congested.

Create a Partition

If you live in a shared apartment, go ahead and create a physical partition. Your roommate will cross boundaries if there is nothing tangible to show that you have your own space. So, perhaps build a temporary wall of an appropriate material, for example. The walls will separate you from other roommates and allow you some privacy. 

You can use a room divider or shoji screen to create partitions. This will create a personal space and prevent people from invading your privacy as well. You will also feel comfortable enjoying time alone due to, in theory, few interruptions. You will not feel embarrassed about changing clothes in your room if it has partitions. 

Buy a Tent Bed

What will you do if you live in a dorm or crowded room and you still want to have your own space? A tent bed is a great choice to get the privacy you need. It allows you to separate your bed from the rest and gives you adequate room.

The tent bed will also reduce bright light. Sometimes you want to sleep, but your roommate wants to continue studying or has the inclination to watch a movie. With a tent bed, you separate yourself from roommates, allowing you to do whatever you want at your convenience. You can also use noise-reducing headphones to get peace of mind.

Only Use Shared Spaces When Empty

It is annoying to cook in a crowded kitchen and to bump into other people. You may end up losing critical personal items. It is also confusing, but you can control that by establishing a room dedicated to you, individually. If other people are using shared facilities, avoid them when occupied and use them when not.

For creating a schedule tailored to an uncrowded atmosphere, try to get a feel of others’ activities. For instance, cook later or earlier once you learn the timing of others’ cooking schedules.

Isolated Area

If you spend time alone in a secluded area quite often, people will know that it is your own space. Whether it’s in an inside area, like a bedroom, or an outside area, like a garden or backyard, people will study your behavior and respect your personal space.

Go outside your room and get a break. For instance, college students prefer going to the library to study instead of staying in their rooms. You get fewer distractions in such an environment.

Wake Up Earlier

If you live with night owls, you may not get your own space to do your thing due to distractions. Such people sleep late and wake up late. You can take advantage of this! Make morning hours yours. Wake up earlier than them, prepare breakfast, shower, write, or study if you want. 

You can also do yoga because no one will distract you.

Efficient Furniture

Long gone are the days when furniture was the size of a tractor. Beds are no longer that heavy or made of oak. Nowadays, there is a wide range of beautifully designed furniture that will help save space. Such space-saving furniture makes your own area as comfortable and dynamic as possible.

Many companies create space-efficient joinery to transform your personal space into a multipurpose mini-flat. Some examples include pull-down beds and shelves. Some desks can, as well, fold back into walls and save more space that way. 

Use a good stud finder to locate a stud on your wall for hanging wall arts, televisions, shelves, or mirrors. The shelf will be a great place for storing your items.


Invest in some statement accessories such as lamps and decorations to give space your personality. If you love flowers and red lights, install them in your room. Buy a lampshade and place it in one of the corners of your room. You can also buy lamps with different interchangeable shades. In recognition of this, your roommate may allow you some breathing room.

Creating a personal space when you live in a crowded room can be frustrating. However, if you follow the above tips, you will create your own space in no time. As you enjoy your own space, do not separate yourself from the rest completely.

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