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How to have a Balanced Lifestyle between Work and Play

How to have a Balanced Lifestyle between Work and Play

The workaholic mode is an easy space to get into and find yourself in, feeling burnout and high-strung. We have all been there and many of us struggle to find the necessary balance we need between work and play. But how can you find time to relax or play, when you have emails to read and respond to, meetings to attend, projects to attend to and more? For many of us, it feels as though there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. But we are told that “hard work equals success” – However, we need to remember that someone who has burnout cannot work hard – and by balancing work and play – you will preserve enough energy to keep on working hard throughout the year.

Read more to find out How to have a Balanced Lifestyle between Work and Play.

Unsurprisingly, there are no magic remedies for finding balance. No, you don’t need to go as far as taking an Eat, Pray, Love sabbatical around the world. The steps to finding balance are really quite simplistic – and their effects go a long way.

  1. Your work belongs at work

Unless you work remotely from home, don’t bring your work home! If you do work at home, create a designated workspace – where you will work and keep your work. (Be sure it is NOT in your bedroom!) If you are in a position where you have to bring work home due to strenuous deadlines, designate a workspace for yourself and organize the work into manageable chunks. Set a time that you will stop working and stick to it, stay out of the workspace you have created until it is time to work again.

  1. One step at a time

Tasks will look far less daunting if you break them down into smaller manageable tasks leading to the ultimate completion of your main task at hand. Keep your mind occupied with one objective at a time. You will feel rewarded as you tick completely each objective and you will be far less stressed than trying to manage and think about everything at once.

  1. Spend time outdoors, with family and friends, or enjoying a hobby

Getting fresh air plays a major part in productivity and stress release, so do your best to get outside for at least a few minutes between every hour or two. Designate time to your family and friends, since everyone is busy – you will need to schedule this time. Do it, as this will always leave you with something to look forward to. Seeing family and friends gives us energy, as we share with those we care about. Be sure to allocate some downtime to read a book, paint, or enjoy another hobby. Sometimes we can’t get out, in which case we can give our brains some downtime by enjoying something else. Many people are finding enjoyment in iGaming, you can learn more if you’re looking to do the same.

  1. Follow a healthy lifestyle

There is no need to go full on health-junkie, just be health conscious. Be sure to sleep well (you want to have at least 6-8 hours every night), eat well (Lay off the McDonalds… Try eating more whole foods instead), get fresh air and get your blood pumping. Try going walking a few minutes a day, this will keep you active and give you the fresh air you need.

  1. Device downtime

Set a time when the workday is over, to shut down and put away your various devices and dedicate time to doing one of the suggestions above to improve your mental health and sense of balance.

Your health and sense of happiness should be your main priority in life, remember to care for yourself because you deserve it. While work is strenuous, you won’t get any work done if you are suffering from burnout.

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