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How To Get Rid Of Brown Spots On Your Lawn

A variety of factors, such as drought, poor drainage, or over-fertilization, cause brown spots on lawns.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to get rid of them and restore your lawn’s health.

From using lawn care products to topdressing and aerating, here are some tips for dealing with them.

How To Get Rid Of Brown Spots On Your Lawn

Tip #1: Improve your soil’s drainage.

Poor drainage can cause brown patches on the lawn due to waterlogging and oxygen deprivation. To improve drainage, aerate the soil regularly and add organic matter such as compost or peat moss.

Tip #2: Restore the pH balance of your soil.

Brown patches can be caused by a heavy accumulation of salts in the lawn due to over-fertilization or an imbalance in the soil’s pH level.

Take a sample of your soil and send it off for testing to determine if this is the problem. If the pH level is not optimal, use a lime application to raise it.

Tip #3: Introduce beneficial microorganisms into your soil.

Introducing beneficial microorganisms into the soil can help improve its structure and fertility, reducing brown patches.

Consider using organic products such as EM-1® Compost Tea to help raise helpful microorganisms in your soil.

Most nurseries and garden centers sell EM-1® Compost Tea. If you don’t have access to it, you can make your own compost tea at home.

Tip #4: De-thatch and aerate the lawn.

Thatch is a layer of organic material on top of the soil that can prevent water, air, and nutrients from reaching the roots of grass plants.

To reduce thatch buildup, use a vertical mower or de-thatcher to remove the excess material.

It’s easy if you have a small lawn, but you may need professional help for large areas.

After de-thatching, aerate the soil with an aerator or spike rake to improve drainage and help get rid of brown patches.

Tip #5: Topdress with a quality soil mix.

After aerating, topdressing can help improve the overall health of your lawn by introducing essential nutrients and microorganisms into the soil.

Look for a high-quality soil mix that is designed specifically for yards. Contact a professional lawn care service for advice if you’re unsure which combination to use.

Tip #6: Use suitable fertilizers.

Fertilizers are essential for maintaining a healthy lawn, but using the correct type and amount is vital.

Choose a fertilizer that is designed for the region you live in, and follow the directions carefully. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to brown spots on your lawn.

Tip #7: Make these tips a habit

To ensure that your lawn stays healthy, follow the tips above and make it a regular part of your lawn maintenance routine.

With proper care and attention, you can get rid of those pesky spots in no time!

Taking care of your lawn doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming.

With the help of professionals from Heroes Lawn Care, you can get rid of those brown spots and restore your lawn’s health quickly and easily.

Of course, proper lawn care starts with understanding the underlying causes. By following the tips outlined above, you can get your lawn back on track in no time!

Have any more recommendations or advice? Let us know in the comments below. Happy lawn care!

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