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How To Avoid Kitchen Accidents

Working in your kitchen can be exciting, but certain hazards may occur if you aren’t careful enough.

Hazards may not be unavoidable, but they can be reduced. It becomes a problem if kitchen accidents happen too frequently.

You become more exposed to dangers such as burns and cuts.

Maintaining a healthy kitchen habit makes your work easier, safer, more efficient, more enjoyable and provides top-tier services.

Notwithstanding, kitchen accidents happen once in a while regardless of how careful you are.

What do you do in that situation? Understand that there are accident lawyers available to help with any kitchen accident that may occur.

How To Avoid Kitchen Accidents

If you are in Massachusetts, you can easily contact injury lawyers in Massachusetts to help you claim compensation.

Here are some ways to avoid or minimize kitchen hazards:

Minimize Manual Handling of Items

If you can, avoid manually lifting items as much as you can; but if you must ensure that you go through all the training that is required in lifting heavy items while working as kitchen staff, your employer should make sure that he provides the necessary training for that especially if you never carried out such tasks in your previous jobs.

This training helps you to learn all the skills and techniques that come with lifting heavy loads, pushing racks and trolleys, moving equipment, unloading food and drinks as well as reaching for items on high shelves.

If you must lift or offload items ensure that the item is close to your body, get a good grip on the item you are carrying and use manual handling equipment when necessary.

Ensure that you Carry-Out Good Housekeeping

Slips and falls are some of the most dangerous kitchen accidents as you can hit some very sensitive parts of your body like the back of your head, your waist or your spine.

Make sure that there are no floor contaminations, obstruction in walkways, uneven or loose flooring.

Also, avoid walking and working on wet floors.

You should also avoid climbing ladders to carry items on shelves unless the ladders are suitable for your work purpose.

A slip or fall accident may also occur when making deliveries.

When offloading, get the assistance of your colleague or co-worker and ensure that you are both very much involved in the delivery process.

Ensure that You Store Items Properly

Improper storage of items may increase the chances of kitchen hazards and accidents.

Make sure that heavier items are on the bottom part of the shelf and should be no higher than the height of your waist.

Anything higher than that will require to stretch or climb ladders which increases the risks of accidents.

Some ingredients and food items such as allergenic foods should be stored separately from non-allergenic foods.

Ensure that all food items are stored at their appropriate temperatures.

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