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This Holiday Season Give the Gift of Meditation from Muse™

    I have a really neat gift idea for you this evening! Muse™ The Brain Sensing Headband. This year, give the gift or meditation and relaxation to your loved ones.

How does Muse™ work?

    Well first, let me start by telling you that Muse™ is designed to guide you to a calm mind. While you meditate, Muse™ uses brain sensing technology to measure whether your mind is active or calm, and translates those signals into guiding sounds. When your mind is calm, you’ll hear peaceful weather sounds. When your mind starts to wander, the weather sounds will intensify, and guide you back into a calm state. 

How to get started

  1.     Once you get your Muse™ headband, connect it to the app on your mobile device via Bluetooth®. (You only need to do this once. Once paired, it will try to connect automatically with the last device it was connected to.
  2. Then you need to take the tutorial. You’ll only need to do this once, and it won’t take long. 
  3. Now you’ll need to calibrate it. Your brain is different every day, so to calibrate itself before each session, Muse™ will take a snapshot of your brain in its natural state. It will use this snapshot as a reference to understand your brain signals.
  4. Now, meditate! Muse™ will give you feedback in real-time by translating your brain signals into the sounds of wind. When you’re settled and calm, you will hear calm winds. When your mind becomes active the winds pick up and blow. 
  5. Lastly, you can see your results and track your sessions. Track your progress over time and unlock new features. Your results are saved in a private account and you can use it to learn things about your mind. 

Why Muse™

    Muse™ will motivate you to change your brain. It will improve how you respond to stress, and help you form of the habit of meditation when you’re stressed. Research has shown that using an app and starting with three to five-minute sessions can help you build your meditation practice. 

Where to buy

    To get the Muse™ Brain Sensing Headband for someone you love, or even yourself, head to their website. You can also connect with Muse™ via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Google+.

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