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Growing Old? Keep Your Health in Tact With These Tips

As human beings, we all must accept the aging process. At some point, old age will catch up with us, and when it does, we quickly realize that performing routine tasks is not as effortless as it used to be. With old age, your body also becomes susceptible to disease as its cells do not regenerate as fast as they once did.

For instance, in the U.S., about 66.7% of all newly diagnosed cancers are in those aged 60 and above. The trick with life is not to avoid old age since we can’t; it’s to live healthily despite the advancing years, and the following five tips should help.

1. Get Adequate Sleep Daily

Everyone agrees that 6 to 7 hours of sleep daily is essential to a healthy body, but very few people follow this advice. The body requires rest and sleep to heal and function properly, especially as one gets older, and this doesn’t only benefit your body; it boosts your mental alertness as well.

You need sufficient sleep every day to balance your hormones and keep your moods high. Often, when you’re emotionally imbalanced or irritated, it’s because you’re not having enough sleep. So, get at least six hours daily to keep your aging body healthy.

2. Observe Proper Nutrition

Besides adequate sleep, a balanced diet gives your body essential nutrients to keep you healthy, especially as you age. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can. You can also eat lentils and nuts, which are known to strengthen the heart, and avoid sugar, caffeine, and processed food whenever you can.

Without proper feeding, you starve your body of essential nutrients, which could lead to serious health complications. Poor nutrition can affect your mental and emotional health and sometimes lead to depression and other mental illnesses. The United States has over 5.8 million older people with Alzheimer’s.

3. Move Your Body

Apart from proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, you can slow the effects of old age by exercising regularly. People who exercise regularly have higher levels of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which are responsible for reducing stress and boosting mood. Today, it’s easy to stay healthy by downloading fitness apps or visiting websites that teach you how to stay healthy at home. You don’t have to go to a gym to exercise. You can do simple stretching exercises from the comfort of your home. Take walks in your neighborhood and enjoy the sunshine and plentiful oxygen. Getting on the move as often as possible gives you a much-critical boost.

4. Supplement Your Diet

To bolster your immune system, consider supplementing your diet. However, always consult with your doctors to find out what supplements you should be taking, if at all. For instance, if you’re currently on prescription medication, ask your doctor for advice first. Among the supplements you should consider taking are Vitamins B12, D, and B6. Calcium supplements may also be necessary as you grow old.

5. Get Cognitive Training

As we grow old, like our bodies, the brain loses some versatility. However, with proper mental exercise, you can improve your cognitive abilities at any age by learning a new skill, such as playing an instrument, a new game, or any craft that you find mentally stimulating.

There’s a need for more physiatrists to serve the 1 in 5 people in the U.S. with a disability who need medical assistance. These include people with chronic pain, musculoskeletal conditions, and chronic diseases, all common among the aging population. To stay out of these statistics, sleep well, eat well, exercise daily, supplement your diet, and go for cognitive training. You can also maintain your mental and physical well-being by staying positive, avoiding stress, and trying as much as possible not to isolate yourself.

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