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A Book to Teach Good and Evil to Middle Grade Readers

    How do you explain to children that not everyone is good, that there is in fact evil in this world? Author Rodi Szoke wondered this when his daughter was young, so he decided to write a series of books that broach this topic.

Good and Evil in an Entertaining and Relatable Way

    Our Young Guardians Seven & Two, Volume One, is the first in a series of books by Mr. Szoke. In this story we begin the journey with a group of children that were so brave, they left behind their families, to embark on a quest, and fight against the evil in the world. After all, life seems to always be a battle of good and evil.

    There were seven journals written by one of the children, but only five are left and they are hidden. They are guarded by folk and charms. There they sit, waiting to be retrieved so their stories can be shared with all of us. Now we can follow their journey, and their struggles as they grow from children into adults. 

    This fantasy story is an excellent and entertaining way for middle grade readers to learn that there is evil in this world. Their magical adventures are sure to keep your children reading. Just as Harry Potter and his friends reinforce this lesson, so to will Jonek and his friends in Our Young Guardians. 

Other lessons

    Our Young Guardians also covers other life lessons such as love and friendship, betrayal and war, parenthood, discrimination and more. All of which are powerful things that our own children will learn as they mature. 

    Another lesson to be learned from this story is that peace and freedom come with a price. Those stories should be shared far and wide, especially in this day and age. This book will remind us all that we are the guardians of our children, and it’s our job to ensure that they don’t grow up too fast. That’s certainly a wonderful reminder, and my son seems to be ten going on twenty-five. 

Where to buy

    To get your children a copy of Our Young Guardians Seven & Two, head to Amazon. You can also connect with author, Rodi Szoke via his website. Be sure to find him on Facebook, Twitter, and GoodReads, as well.