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Getting Your “Cool” Back After Having Kids


Surely I can not be the only one who has looked in the mirror and wondered, “What the heck happened to the girl that I used to be?” You’ve felt this way at one time or another…Right? In the blink of an eye you switch from high heels and lip gloss to baby puke and oversized clothing. If you’re not careful, you can get lost forever in this downward mommy spiral. Are you trapped in this struggle already? Don’t worry, there’s still time to climb out and never return again. But seriously, there are a few steps you can take to hold on to your coolness after having kids.


Like planning ahead. It can work wonders for your mommy swag. Gone are the days of just winging it. Looking your best is going to require some prep work. Select your clothes the day before. Or how about organizing your outfits for the entire week? Yeah that’s real dedication!  But guess what…It works!


Exercising will also help reel in the old you. Getting your pre-baby body back is achievable if you put in the work. After using the “I don’t have time to exercise” excuse for so many years, I finally decided to simply make time. Guess what I discovered by doing this, carving 30 minutes out of my schedule didn’t alter the universe. The rest of my days still went as planned and I dropped a few pounds along the way. How about that!


My last tidbit of advice is to find time for yourself. Oh boy, this is easier said than done. Go take an art class, go dancing, get pampered, go to that new bar you’ve been hearing so much about, do whatever makes you happy!
Gaining a child doesn’t have to mean losing ourselves. Crawl out of that mommy funk and take back a little piece of pre baby Jenny…or whatever your name may be.

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