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Five Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Faster

If you’re already eating fewer calories and exercising more, then you’re well on your way to losing weight and achieving a slimmer, healthier figure. But, if you’re already working hard and want to see the pounds drop off a little bit faster, it’s important to ensure that you have healthy strategies to speed up your weight loss. Losing weight too quickly can have an opposite unhealthy effect on your body, so it’s important to get the balance right so your health doesn’t suffer as a result. We’ve put together some of our top suggestions for speeding up your weight loss.

Five Healthy Ways to Lose Weight Faster

#1. Eat Smaller Meals More Often:

Instead of sticking to three good-sized meals per day, experts recommend eating smaller meals and snacks on a more regular basis. The key here is to listen to your body and only eat enough to satisfy your hunger pangs, stopping when you feel full. As long as you stick to healthy foods the majority of the time, eating smaller more regular meals is believed to help speed up the metabolism and help you burn more calories when resting. Eating a small meal every three to four hours will prevent you from getting hungry and eating too much of the wrong type of food.

#2. Drink Water Before Meals:

Before a meal, drinking water can help to suppress your appetite and prevent you from over-eating. Did you know that often, you might feel hungry – but in reality, your body is thirsty. Drinking a glass of water before making your meal will help you determine whether you’re really as hungry as you thought, or whether you just needed some re-hydration.

#3. Up Your Workout Intensity:

The more intense your workouts, the easier it will be for your body to burn more calories at a resting rate afterward. One good way to speed up your metabolism and burn more fat is high-intensity-interval training or HIIT. A simple way to incorporate this into your workouts is on the treadmill – start at a comfortable walking pace and gradually increase the speed and incline for as long as you can, before returning to walking to catch your breath. This can be more effective since the slower paced intervals allow you to keep going for longer.

#4. Track Your Eating:

For some people, tracking their eating habits reveals consumption that they weren’t even aware of. Small things such as picking at leftovers from the fridge, licking the bowl when baking or sharing snacks with others can quickly add up to extra calories in your diet. If you feel that you’re making good food choices but not getting the results that you want, consider using a calorie counting app such as MyFitnessPal or Fitbit.

#5. Use Supplements:

Lastly, there are several supplements that you might want to consider to speed up your weight loss. When paired with a healthy, balanced diet rich in superfoods, HCG drops can be effective – learn more at Other natural supplement ideas include green tea capsules and Garcinia Cambogia extract.

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