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Early Childhood E-learning: The New Face Of Preschool Education

For decades, the education system has significantly shifted to digital platforms for instruction, learning, and assessment.

Such an approach has provided a great number of benefits and advantages to teachers, students, and parents.

Through E-Learning, students can easily gain access to limitless information and resources and can effectively initiate self-directed learning with just a few clicks here and there.

Witnessing the importance of digital literacy and fluency, the education sector has been putting its best foot forward in efficiently implementing the electronically structured course in the preschool level.

To learn more about E-Learning, click here!

Early Childhood E-learning: The New Face Of Preschool Education

Supporting Instruction through E-Learning

E-Learning by definition is a type of technology support aimed at supplementing educational initiatives.

Compared to conventional instruction, E-Learning platforms offer a contemporary learning environment that effectively enforces knowledge acquisition and retention among students as well as provide a boost in their learning and self-regulation skills.

Moreover, the digital platform renders a communication highway that encourages interpersonal and social engagement among learners.

This helps improve both their communication and problem-solving skills.

The surrounding environment plays a critical role in shaping a child’s personal knowledge and skills through the use of the five senses – sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

However, it has been long established that children learn more through what they see and hear – a process known as Observational Learning.

Even before the introduction of E-Learning platforms, schools especially in the kindergarten level have been utilizing audio and visual aids in harnessing the learning experience of preschoolers.

But the type of visual and auditory aids also make a striking difference in the quality of a child’s learning experience.

A child who had watched a video or even just a short clip about penguins was able to process and retain more information about the subject than the other child who had just seen pictures of the same bird.

In E-Learning, both visual and learning styles are put in to work with the addition of real-time interaction which in turn, refines hand-eye coordination.

Interactive programs such as these fun math games can also help brush up your child’s problem-solving skills.

Apart from the aforementioned benefits, E-learning also paves way to the further development of a preschooler’s social and emotional skills.

Digital learning initiatives highly incorporate bright and lively colors and illustrations which have been effective in boosting the child’s motivation for learning.

Children become more engaged and participatory in tackling various lessons through this instruction support system.

E-Learning can cater to children with different learning styles and preschoolers can learn at their own pace into the bargain.

To boot, E-Learning platforms are geared with communication tools that help learners establish virtual connections amongst each other and with their teacher. 

Computer Literacy

Computer education is an integral component in the implementation of E-learning initiatives.

Early Childhood E-learning: The New Face Of Preschool Education

Students are geared with computer literacy and digital fluency that establish their fundamental skills which are essential in the engagement of online learning.

As we now live in what we call the digital era, computer education has become a staple in child and curriculum development.

Such an element helps learners acquire and enhance essential skill sets needed to progress efficiently in higher academic levels and eventually, in the world of digital professionalism.  

Digital literacy through computer education helps preschoolers become capable of manipulating digital devices utilized in E-Learning.

Such knowledge and ability enhances the learner’s efficiency in engaging the academic workflow of the entire E-Learning experience.

Students can learn more in a significantly shorter timeframe and this eventually gives them the opportunity to become more creative and dynamic with knowledge acquisition and development.

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