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Pet Time in the City: Great City Dogs

City life.  There’s always something to do, and something new to try.  It’s fast-paced and exciting.  And it’s really suited to certain types of dogs. 

When everything is fast, easy to find, and apartment-sized, you need a dog that matches your city lifestyle.  There are some great options.  Here are some tips to choose the best dog for you.

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You and Your Lifestyle

As a city dweller, you have to consider a few things when choosing your new best friend. 

  • What’s your living situation?
  • How big is your apartment and do you have any roommates or family to consider when shopping for a pet?
  • How much dog can you afford?
  • What’s your schedule?
  • Are you at home often, or are you away more often?
  • Do you keep the same schedule every day, or does it change?

Answering these questions will help you choose the right breed.  Some dog breeds need more space and activity than others.  Some dogs are more flexible than others.  If you’re sharing doggy parenting, your activity level and scheduling may not affect a dog as much, if you and your roommate or significant other/family member keep different hours from you.  If you keep the same schedule and activities, plan with that in mind.

Your Dog

A number of dogs fit in great with a city lifestyle.  Even big dogs.  Here are four breeds, a mix of large and small, that do well:

  • Labrador Retriever: one of the bigger breeds that do well.  Make certain to get lots of Labrador dog food as they pups love to eat!  With the right toys, these dogs do well in apartments, even if their size might make you think differently.  They have the right kind of energy to get much of their play out inside.
  • Mastiffs: another bigger breed, the Mastiff doesn’t require much activity time. Instead, they prefer to lounge.  They’re lazy gentle giants!  They look scary, but they’re anything but.  A great choice for other animals.
  • French Bulldog: a small companion, Frenchies are quiet and snuggle up well. They’ll fit any apartment size, and are not highly active.  They do, however, need good air conditioning as they get hot easily.  Make certain your apartment has the right AC.
  • Yorkshire Terrier: another small companion, Yorkies need a human who can get them outside frequently. They have a lot of energy, and can be noisy; they’re very intelligent and train well.  They don’t shed much, so make great inside dogs. 

Getting Ready

When you’re ready for your new friend, you’ll want to have a few things on hand.  A proper crate, sized to your new bestie, will be needed to train your pet for apartment life.  You’ll need plenty of toys, also sized to fit, aimed at keeping your dog smart and happy.  And, you’ll need a good leash and/or a harness to walk your pet. You can check out The Petite Pets for more information and advice.

Round it out with the right food for your dog and their food/water bowls, and you’re ready to go.  Enjoy city life with your new dog! 

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