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Different Types Of Roofing Techniques

Most property owners don’t have to deal with roofing companies and professionals on a regular basis.

As a result of this, when it is time to choose a roofing contractor or company, it is easy to get confused. 

The confusion is amplified even further when a potential contractor starts throwing around roofing terms that you don’t understand.

All of this confusion can result in property owners making uninformed decisions that can quickly turn into expensive mistakes.

In Connecticut, one of the first pieces of information that property owners need to know while working with roofing company ct is to know the kind of roofing you have/need.

Different Types Of Roofing Techniques

In this article, we will discuss the various roofing techniques and the pros and cons associated with each. Let us begin:

Built-Up Roof

A built up roof (BUR) is a roofing technique that has been around for a long time. It uses three different layers to make up the roof of a structure. The first layer is made up of bitumen (usually cold), the second layer is made up of fabric and fiberglass ply, and the topmost layer consists of gravel or crushed asphalt. 

BUR is known for its insulation properties and durability. This roofing technique is especially advantageous in warmer climates as it prevents the heat from entering the building. 

BUR roofs are a little more expensive than some of the other options on this list but can last a good 15 to 30 years. 

Another disadvantage of BUR roofing is that shoveling snow off a built-up roof is a huge challenge.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is a popular roofing technique, particularly because of the wide variety of metals that are available for use in roofing projects. Some commonly used metals are galvanized steel, copper, aluminum, tin, and stainless steel.

Metal roofs are much cheaper than built-up roofs and offer excellent fireproofing properties. However, since metals are susceptible to rusting, metal roofs require an additional coating of protective material that protects them from prolonged exposure to rain, snow, and sunlight.

Shingle Roofing

Another very common and versatile roofing technique, shingle roofing is mostly used for residential properties. Some of the materials that are used to make roof shingles include wood, slate, asphalt, plastic, and ceramic. 

Asphalt shingles are the most commonly used and are extremely durable. Most asphalt shingles come with a warranty period that exceeds 10 years.

Multilayered shingles, also known as architectural shingles, are a little more expensive but are even more durable than asphalt shingles. Some architectural shingles come with lifetime warranties.

Green Roofs

Green roofs have only recently become popular. These roofs, as the name suggests, are made up of plants and are a sustainable solution that offers a number of advantages. These roofs are extremely efficient at insulation and reducing water runoff. 

However, green roofs require a few extra efforts and may turn out to be a little more expensive than many other options mentioned in this article. Besides the extra investment, green roofs may also require additional structural support, thermal insulation, waterproofing, a dedicated drainage system, composting, and of course, live plants if some of the plants on your roof don’t survive.

With proper upkeep and proactive maintenance, green roofs can have a lifespan exceeding four or five decades.

Solar Power Roofing

Solar power roofs are simply shingled roofs with some area covered by solar cells that convert sunlight into energy that can be used by your home.

Most buildings use enough solar cells to completely eliminate their dependence on state-run electricity plants. 

While a solar panel roof does require a considerable upfront investment, the returns in the form of energy cost savings and environmental benefits are well worth the extra cost.

In some states, property owners can even sell the extra energy produced by the solar panels back to the state!

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Jonathon Gastaldo

Wednesday 12th of August 2020

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