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Dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis: What Can You Do?

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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that targets the person’s joints. Its symptoms include pain, stiffness and swelling in affected areas. There are even times where these symptoms may be magnified to an extreme level. People often refer to these as flares or flare-ups.

As far as treatment, experts are still in search of effective methods to cure this condition. The good news is, you can do something to cope with and lessen the pain you’re feeling. Since things can be tough when you have flares, knowing how to deal with them makes things less difficult. To overcome them, here are a few things you can do.

Be Physically Active

Strengthen your joints and muscles with regular exercise. Being active and on the move can fight off fatigue and improve the condition of your muscles. Lack of activities may weaken your joints and encourage intense flare-ups. Keeping your body in motion can keep your joints and muscles in their best condition, reducing the likelihood of attacks.

One quick reminder: be careful about the type of physical activities you engage in. Don’t get involved in high impact sports, such as soccer, running, and the likes. These type of sports may put too much stress on your joints which can lead to injuries.

Manage Your Stress Well

Stress is a trigger factor for RA flares. Too much of it can worsen the pain you’re feeling. Cytokines are peptides released by the immune system. A great number of these in the bloodstream can result in inflammation. When you’re stressed, the body tends to release tons of them. In turn, this can lead to constant pain or swelling in joints.

That’s why it’s important that you have good stress management. You’ll notice that most centers for rheumatoid arthritis care in Las Vegas provide programs to cope with it. This is to help patients suffering from this condition in managing their anxiety and stress.

Watch What You Eat

While there are no restrictions when it comes to food, it’s important that you have a well-balanced diet. Processed food and snacks with high sugar content are among the foods you have to stay away from. In case you’re confused, the best thing you can do is to refer to the food pyramid. Go for green leafy veggies and always incorporate fruits in your day-to-day snacks.

Get supplements that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish and other plant-based items are also good for you so be sure you include them to your diet. These substances are known to reduce the swelling and inflammation of joints, so it’s important you focus on creating a meal plan around these foods. If you’re unsure about your diet, it’s always recommended that you consult your physician.

Don’t let RA affect the way you live and enjoy your life. Knowing a thing or two on how you to deal with it when it happens will definitely help. Keep these things in mind to reduce the pain and stiffness you’re feeling in your joints. Live a healthy lifestyle and always seek out a doctor to help manage this condition.

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Saturday 3rd of August 2019

Nice blog, thanks for sharing such a nice blog.

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