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Caring For Elderly Dogs: Liver Disease In Senior Dogs

While having a dog as a pet is a fulfilling experience, it is a full-time responsibility where you have to take care of its every need, just like a family member.

Like humans, as dogs grow older, they become more susceptible to diseases and need extra care.

One of the most common organs to get affected in senior dogs is the liver.

Caring For Elderly Dogs: Liver Disease In Senior Dogs

Because it is a vital organ that performs several crucial functions like bile production, sugar regulation, blood clotting, and removal of toxins, diseases in the liver can lead to some serious problems for your dog.

If you’re a parent to a senior dog with liver disease, you need to know how to take care of it.

From knowing the basics of the disease to understanding how to provide the right liver support for dogs, here is a list of essential things that you should know.

The cause of liver disease in dogs

As a pet owner, you should do your research on the causes of liver disease in dogs so that you can be careful while taking care of your aging companion.

Liver diseases can be chronic or acute and are usually caused due to genetics, old age, or infections.

Still, there are also some other factors such as consuming certain plants and herbs like mushrooms and blue algae that contribute to poor liver health.

Foods that are high in fat, diabetes, and continuous use of painkillers are some other factors as well that you should be mindful of.

Symptoms of liver disease you should watch out for

Liver disease is difficult to recognize on time because its symptoms are similar to other diseases and those related to old age, but there are some common behaviors that should alert you.

If your dog is exhibiting signs of weight loss, loss of appetite, lethargy, has yellow eyes, tongue, and gums, then you need to take immediate action.

Seizures and build-up of fluid in the belly are also signs that your dog might have liver disease.

If your dog demonstrates any of these symptoms, you need to take it to the vet, who will run up some bloodwork and ultrasounds to diagnose the problem.

Because the term liver disease is fairly broad, you will need to know exactly what you’re dealing with to administer the best treatment.

Treatment options for senior dogs with liver disease

Caring For Elderly Dogs: Liver Disease In Senior Dogs

When it comes to liver disease, the key to a successful prognosis is catching it on time.

Because the symptoms are difficult to differentiate from other diseases, sometimes it is detected too late for the dog to recover fully.

However, several treatment options can help your dog live a comfortable and happy life.

Dietary Changes

Dogs that are diagnosed with liver disease require dietary changes as part of their treatment regime.

You should consult with your dog’s vet and develop a plan to help its liver regenerate while maintaining the dog’s weight.

Sometimes there is a risk that making sudden changes to a dog’s diet can cause its stomach to get upset, which is why it is recommended that you make the changes slowly to monitor potential reactions.

The strategy behind nutritional intake is to administer food in smaller doses, 4-5 times a day so that there is less stress on the liver to process the food.

When it comes to food groups, one of the most important nutrients to include is protein, but the quantity will depend on the liver disease stage your dog is in.

Regardless of how much protein is advised, be sure that you always opt for high quality.

When it comes to fats, focus on those fats that can be easily digested and make sure that you try to give them in a moderate amount.

You should also incorporate healthy levels of Vitamin B, C, and E because they help reduce inflammation.


Supplements are an effective way to ensure the healthy functioning of a dog’s liver.

Not only are they beneficial for dogs suffering from liver disease, but they can even be used as a preventive measure.

However, they work best if used in combination with medication.

They are useful in helping the liver cells repair and regenerate and can also help in breaking down proteins and fats, thereby supporting detoxification and improved liver function.

Caring For Elderly Dogs: Liver Disease In Senior Dogs

One of the most common supplements that holistic veterinarians often prescribe to senior dogs is milk thistle.

This is a herb with strong antioxidant properties that are also known to prevent the entry of toxins into the liver.

SAMe is another popular supplement that is prescribed to dogs with elevated liver enzymes.

Conventional Treatment

If your dog has been diagnosed with liver disease, there are various medicines that your vet can prescribe that will either address the underlying cause of the disease or manage the symptoms your dog is experiencing.

This will be decided by the stage of the liver disease your dog is in. If, for instance, your dog has chronic hepatitis, it will benefit from corticosteroids to combat inflammation.

A popular treatment method is antibiotic therapy, which is administered in case of liver infection or secondary infection.

When it comes to managing the symptoms of liver disease, then IV fluids are a must to prevent dehydration and maintain electrolytes.

You can also give your dog anti-nausea medication to combat vomiting and ulcers.

Sometimes if there is a cancerous growth on a dog’s liver, then chemotherapy and surgery are considered, but it depends on how far the cancer cells have spread.

Parting thoughts

Having your companion go through an illness is never easy, and a liver disease diagnosis often rings alarm bells for a pet owner.

However, we are here to tell you that despite the disease, your dog can continue to live a happy, functional life if you learn to manage its lifestyle accordingly.

Knowing the basic causes, symptoms, and treatment options is the first step of the journey but always be sure to consult with your dog’s vet before incorporating any form of treatment.

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