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Brightening Your Bedroom On A Budget

For most, the important rooms of the home to sort out are the kitchen and the living room. These are the ones with the most human traffic and use through the day and so they are the ‘face’ of the house. Kitchens are the hub, of course, where most gather for a drink and food and therefore require some upgrades for that community feeling. The one room that often gets left behind is the bedroom and that’s purely because it’s the last room in the house we are in at night.

Without spending much time in there, usually people can be quite reluctant to spend money on their bedroom. Why spend the money on a part time usage? It makes sense, but you don’t have to have a bottomless wallet to be able to enjoy your bedroom on a budget. We’ve put together a list of tips for brightening up the bedroom without spending every penny:

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  • New floors can make a bedroom cozy. Either having an ashy wood floor with thick, luxurious rugs that you can sink your toes into or have a thick carpet through the room can warm the room up. Carpet that’s already laid won’t cost you anything and you can buy beautiful rugs from discount stores in colors to match the theme of the bedroom.
  • If you have large windows in your bedroom, you’ll likely have curtains or blinds on them. If you have nets hanging, take the net curtains down to let light flood through and add a layer to curtains to keep the elements out. Curtains should be soft and hanging light colors rather than dark can expand a room in surprising ways.
  • Quirky art pieces or large canvas photos strategically placed in a bedroom, no matter its size, can make a room stand out. You may not spend much time in your bedroom but that doesn’t mean it cannot look beautiful.
  • Swap out your light shades for spotlights from Lighting Expo can increase the light you have in the room. You’ll be able to choose some really unique fixtures for lighting and lamps to not only keep a bedroom looking cozy but to add character to the room.
  • Furniture that is dark in wood like a comfortable Catnapper recliner can make a small bedroom look like a cave. It’s dark and can look somewhat drab unless against remarkably white walls. Either sand down and repaint what you have to save some money, or grab some lighter items of furniture from upcycling websites or even budget furniture shops.

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Your bedroom décor can include new duvet covers and throws that are in fantastically bright, but comfy colors that give life to a room that usually is in slumber. Purple is always a favored color for bedrooms as it invites sleep and calm so look for fixtures that will make your mind think of soothing sleep instead of fluorescent pinks and yellows. Your bedroom is a place of relaxation but that doesn’t mean you should be neglecting it!

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