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If You Have Body Pain Then You Need This!

Do you have DEEP BODY PAIN?

Do you have body pain?

You know that body pain that is deep aches — nothing too severe but achy pain that creeps into your body.  I know I have this pain all day but at night is when I can feel it.  Right now, my body is giving me a little karma because I didn’t take care of myself when I was younger.  Alright- I hear you… body but damn the aches are so deep, and it is hard to sleep.  

I don’t like taking medicine, and I’m not a drinker, so for years, I have been dealing with my body aches.  However, in the past year, I’ve been trying out CBD products to help ease my body tension and aches.  What a big difference in my life now, I used to be in bed a lot but lately, I want to be more active. Some CBD products work and don’t, so when I come across a product that helps me then I spill the tea! 

Use Tincture for Body Pain

The tincture is not my favorite CBD product, but Populum Full-Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil gets my TWO THUMBS UP!  Why…mainly because of the flavor.  It has an amazing orange flavor.  I put a dropper full under my tongue, and I like the taste a lot. I’ve gagged on some past CBD oil due to the taste-but, not this one! This is a significant plus in my book.

And guess what it works.  My body aches tend to fade out, and I’m ready for the day.  I got out and moved more this past week, so I know the tincture is helping with my body pains.  My kids noticed that I’m not as grumpy, too, not sure if that is a compliment or a little shade. I highly recommend Populum Full-Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil for anyone who has achy body pains. 

Use Cold Therapy on Body Pain

Being a server for over 30 years, you know I’ve put my body through the wringer.  My knees are the worst; after a day of being on my feet, my knees are swollen.  The first time I tried Populum Cold Therapy Hemp Rub, I was surprised that it worked. I wanted to rub this all over my body, but of course, I didn’t. 

When I say it worked, I mean it did exactly what I wanted it to do- relief my pain. The cold wasn’t overwhelming, and the smell was pleasant.  The fast-acting hemp-infused cooling relief feels so good on my muscles and joints. Also, there is no greasy residue.  I keep a bottle of Populum Cold Therapy Hemp Rub by my bed and put on at night, and it helps me sleep because of my pain eases.  The cooling relief feels so amazing.  


Populum is a collective of premium hemp CBD products designed to be a part of your daily wellness ritual.
It has the highest quality hemp extract available on the market by working with local US farmers. Populum promises that their ingredients are safe, tested, natural, and clean – with strong, full-spectrum concentrations. I have to say I’m impressed and have been using these products for two weeks now. I will continue to use these products too because they are giving me pain relief, sleep without pain, and overall great feeling. 


Populum Hemp CBD Rub

The perfect gift for grandparents. The arctic cooling effect helps soothe muscles and achy joints. It’s an ideal alternative to over the counter medicines.

Populum Hemp CBD Oil Tinctures

Great for dads! For a dad who has everything, hemp CBD is probably something he doesn’t have. This gift is not only something he’ll enjoy, but it will also be a new experience for him. It’s great for dads who love to golf and who are active!

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