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Best Brain Food For Studying And Exams

Studying is a practice and consumes a lot of energy.

When preparing for a test or an exam, students try to memorize and grasp a lot of new content within a very short time.

Best Brain Food For Studying And Exams

Therefore, your body is under immense pressure during this time, and you need to keep it in top shape.

Staying healthy will help you stay alert, laser-focused, and composed, but with inner peace and confidence on the day of your test.

So, how do you ensure that your health is in its best shape when studying for an exam?

While a healthy diet ensures your body and brain are well-nourished, research reveals that specific foods significantly promote brain health and enhance mental performance.

Here are the best brain foods for studying and exams.

1. Nuts

After several hours of scouring the internet, you finally found factual information to write an observation report assignment.

However, there is a problem; you feel exhausted, and you are considering the option of postponing compiling your report-that is not a good option.

Nuts will boost your brain function and keep you active throughout marathon study sessions.

They are rich in nutrients that are important for brain health.

They also contain Zinc and vitamin E and are considered the best study snack since they are portable and versatile.

2. Eggs

Eggs are rich in many nutrients, and this has earned them the name nature’s multivitamin.

All the nutrients contained in eggs are necessary for brain function. They include selenium, vitamin B12, and choline.

Vitamin B12 plays an essential role in neurological health, while choline is key in the production and development of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.

Selenium is needed in cognition, motor performance, and coordination.

In addition, eggs are rich in lutein, a carotenoid component linked with improving mental and visual function.

However, to get all these potential brain-promoting benefits, you should consume the entire egg and not just the white substance.

Best Brain Food For Studying And Exams

3. Avocados

Avocados can be consumed in different ways. For example, they can be eaten whole with some salt or smashed into guacamole and applied on toast.

As a versatile snack, they help to improve your brain function.

They are rich in lutein, a carotenoid that accumulates in the eyes and brain and positively enhances brain function.

4. Berries

Berries contain several compounds essential for protecting your brain’s health and help boost your academic performance.

All berries, including blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries, are rich in flavonoid elements known as anthocyanin.

Anthocyanin plays a crucial role in improving mental performance by boosting blood flow to the brain, promoting specific signaling pathways that enhance the production of nerve cells, and protecting brain cells against inflammation.

5. Citrus Fruits

Citrus is rich in a variety of nutrients that offer many health benefits to our bodies, including promoting brain health.

Just like berries, citrus fruits contain flavonoids, including rutin, hesperidin, and quercetin.

These compounds help to promote learning and memory.

Besides, they also protect nerve cells from injury, hence fighting against mental decline.

Although most of these potential brain-health-enhancing compounds are concentrated in fruit juices, whole citrus also is packed with flavonoids, and you can use them as a snack when preparing for an exam.

Pair your citrus juice or fruit with a protein and fat-rich source such as mixed nuts for a satisfying and healthy snack.

Best Brain Food For Studying And Exams

6. Turmeric

For centuries, people have used this Indian spice as a brain tonic.

It is rich in turmerone and curcumin nutrients. Turmerone acts as a new neurons production stimulator and also promotes self-brain repair.

On the other hand, curcumin boosts the levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (a protein that promotes the growth of new brain cells. It acts as a fertilizer)

Turmeric can be taken in several ways; it can be sprinkled on food, prepared in a meal, drunk as turmeric tea, or added to your smoothies.

Pro tip: Curcumin’s bioavailability is low (meaning much of it is not absorbed in the body), so it would be better to use supplements than depending on it for these benefits.

If turmeric is an everyday ingredient for you, Henrique Bertulino (a health specialist) recommends that you accompany it with black pepper.

The black pepper aids the body absorb the curcumin.

7. Dark Leafy Greens

Whether you prefer spinach, kale, broccoli, or chard, taking dark leafy greens will give you essential vitamins in the run-up to exams.

All these dark leafy greens are rich in vitamin K, which helps build and nourish pathways in the brain.

Dark leafy greens are packed with vitamins B12 and B6, which help improve memory and alertness.

8. Fish

You need omega-3 fats to boost the health of your brain to be able to understand complex concepts within a short time.

Fatty fish are fully packed with these fats and also are concentrated with other essential nutrients such as selenium and vitamin B12.

It doesn’t come as a shock that most studies have linked fish intake to improved brain function.

For instance, a study carried out using a sample of 17,000 schoolchildren revealed that taking eight grams of fish every day was linked to better grades in mathematics and German, compared to those who didn’t take it or didn’t take it often.

9. Walnuts

There are many types of nuts, but walnuts are exceptional (that’s why we have singled it out) because they are the only nuts rich in high amounts of alpha-linolenic acid, the plant form of omega-3 fatty acids.

Walnuts also contain mood-elevating serotonin, which enhances the ability to study and remember.

Best Brain Food For Studying And Exams

10. Dark Chocolate And Cocoa Products

Cocoa contains the highest flavonoid content in terms of weight, the reason why cocoa products such as chocolate contribute immensely to dietary flavonoid intake.

In addition, taking flavonoid-packed cocoa products boosts your brain health.

According to research, cocoa intake also helps boost blood flow to the brain, reduce mental fatigue and improve memory and reaction time on mental activities.

Amazingly, flavonoids can compromise the blood-brain barrier (a semipermeable membrane that protects the brain) and directly control the brain spots that control attention and memory.

11. Beets

Beets and their products are packed with nitrates that are converted into a molecule known as nitric oxide once consumed.

Nitric oxide plays a myriad of functions in your health, such as improving nerve cell communication, promoting brain function, and boosting blood flow.

You can increase nitrates intake in your body by enjoying roasted beets with a meal as you wait for the exam or take sips of fresh beet juice as you study.

Bottom Line

Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is essential for the general wellbeing of your body.

However, studies have shown that certain foods may help improve mental performance, making them the best option for students studying and preparing for exams.

Try the foods listed above, and you will be surprised to know what you have been missing!