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An Overview About Edibles In Canada

As cannabis grows more popular in Canada, there are bound to be people who prefer one kind of marijuana over another.

An Overview About Edibles In Canada

The old and most common way of using cannabis would be to smoke the marijuana plant.

Nowadays, there are options such as vaping, dabbing, and eating edibles to experience its THC effects.

There is even cannabis oil that you can apply to your skin without needing to consume it.

It all depends on your personal preference and how you like to use cannabis. I know for myself, smoking will never be something I do.

It just did not not interest me to suck in harmful smoke that will damage my lungs. Instead, I prefer using my vape pen and eating edibles to get my cannabis fix.

This ultimate guide will teach you everything to know before you buy edibles online in Canada.

With edibles, there are so many options that you can choose from.

There are also many types of edibles based on potency and bite size to choose which will be discussed in this article on “An Overview About Edibles in Canada.”

Edibles Overview

So what are edibles? These cannabis-infused products are cannabis in the form of food. You can bite and chew them just like any other food.

The taste of edibles will depend on what you infuse the product with. Popular options include brownies and gummies.

Because the effects of edibles will only be experienced after digesting it, you will only feel the cannabis effects after 1 to 3 hours of consumption.

For those who want an instant high, you will not get that by eating edibles.

One thing to note is that the edible high will last longer than smoking cannabis. So, this may be an attractive option for those who don’t mind the longer wait to achieve euphoric experiences.

Edibles – Is It Safe?

In order for cannabis to be dangerous, you would have to eat about 1500 pounds of cannabis within the first 10 minutes.

An Overview About Edibles In Canada

You can see how impossible this is. Plus, you will never really die from greening out on cannabis. The worst case scenario is that you will experience some of the following:

  • Paranoid
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Feeling dizzy
  • Heart rate increased
  • Sweating

As you can see, these symptoms will not kill you. However, they are unpleasant to experience so you should try using too much cannabis at once.

It is important to remember that it will take longer for cannabis to come into effect when taking edibles. So, you do not want to be eating too much at one time.

Our advice is to: Take some edibles, then wait until the effects kick in before taking more. You can always take more edibles, but you cannot “untake” edibles if you take too much!

We always recommend those who are impatient to take smoking or vaping cannabis instead. The effects will be immediate and you do not have to wait around all day.

If you are making your own edibles, the THC in cannabis can also be hard to get a good measure on.

To get an accurate dosage, you can buy edibles online or through cannabis stores. They will say its dosage properties in the package description.

When you buy edibles without proper packaging, you run the risk of taking too much than intended. So it is always a good idea to know the exact dosage of THC no matter what cannabis products you decide to take.

Additionally, if you have kids or pets living with you, it is crucial to keep edibles out of reach from them.

Since edibles look like regular food, they will not think that there is cannabis inside them.

If you leave your cannabis brownie lying around on the kitchen countertop, your child may think it is a delicious treat and not think twice before eating it up.

Always be careful and keep track of where you place your cannabis edibles, especially around kids or pets.

Even though many people use cannabis for medicinal reasons, it is still a drug at the end of the day. Keep them out of reach from those who should not use it!

Edibles Effects To Body

Edibles will provide you the same effects that smoking cannabis will do. They still come from the same marijuana plant.

When you eat edibles, effects such as lowering depression and anxiety can be felt. Many people also use edibles to help with sleep at night.

I know for myself, using edibles has been a great way to sleep better and wake up more refreshed. Before using cannabis, I often struggle to get a full night’s rest without disturbance.

Edibles will also help those with chronic pain as evidence has shown that it does help reduce pain in all areas. Lastly, edibles make for a great option for those who do not want to smoke.

It does not matter if you smoke nicotine or smoke cannabis, some people just do not like doing it.

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